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突然,一道强横的光芒直刺入我的眼睛。Suddenly, a strong light cut into my eyes.

亮光不照恶人、强横的膀臂也必折断。The wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken.

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亮光不照恶人,强横的膀臂也必折断。And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken.

当欧洲人还是栖身在洞穴中的强横人时,这些所在的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.

伊拉克强横不羁,教派林立,占主导地位的是许多骨子里反美的力量。It's a tough, sectarian system with many deeply anti-American forces in ascendancy.

假如哈利把他的兄弟带在身边,那些强横的孩子会不会惹他呢?Suppose Harry takes his brother with him, will the tough boys dare lay a finger on him?

为要给孤儿和受欺压的人伸冤,使强横的人不再威吓他们。defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.

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他说,与强横的美军驻扎的时候相比,伽兹尼在更温和的波兰军队保护下更加和平了。He says his province is more peaceful under the lighter-touch Poles than the more aggressive Americans before them.

随着高速铁路的迅速发展,强横风对列车运行安全构成了严重威胁。With the rapid development of the high-speed railway, train safety is under the serious hidden danger brought by the powerful crosswind.

我们村里管计划生育的人非常强横,有时他们会闯进人们家里,把牛或电视机带走,充当罚款。"The family planning people in our village are very tough. Sometimes they smash houses and take away cows or TVs as a penalty, " he said.

一想到爱玲脾气生硬强横,以及他自己粗鲁的性格,使他终于采取别的办法。A sense of the raw brutality of Aileen's disposition, and something essentially coarse in himself, made him eventually adopt the other method.

采用非结构网格+,对强横风下青藏线桥梁上运行的棚车气动性能进行数值模拟,并对部分数值模拟的结果进行风洞实验验证。The aerodynamic performance of the box car running on an bridge of Qinghai-Tibet railway line under strong cross-wind was simulated using unstructured mesh technique.

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就是你所说的江湖乞丐,这种人虽然强横不法,但也决不会用了猎枪行凶。Is the lake mendicant of the river whom you say, although this kind of person is arrogant and illegal, certainly would not commit murder with the hunting rifle as well.