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他们仅仅是对错参半。They are only half-correct.

这是一个苦乐参半的时刻。It was a bittersweet moment.

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第一种批判对错参半。The first charge is half right.

生活总有苦与乐,甘苦参半。Every life has its roses and thorns.

但回忆总是苦乐参半。But the memories aren't all bittersweet.

腼腆拘谨也正是一种善恶参半的性格。Prudery is a demi-virtue and a demi-vice.

阿尔及利亚参加世界杯赛的历史酸甜参半。Algeria’s World Cup history is bittersweet.

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与此同时,人群则怀着谅惧参半的心情观望着。The crowd, meanwhile, looked on with awe and wonder.

我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。Bungy and I had an ambivalent relationship over years.

对旅行者来说,这是一个好坏参半的消息。The news may be a mixed blessing for airline travelers.

我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。Bungy and I had had an ambivalent relationship over years.

对于美国太空机构国家航空航天局而言,这是一个苦乐参半的周末。A bittersweet weekend for the U.S. space agency ----- NASA.

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时装周及其苦乐参半的荣耀总是来了又去。Fashion Week and all its bittersweet glory has come and gone.

很多人对那新推出的政策忧喜参半。Many people feel ambivalent about the newly-introduced policy.

遗憾的是,我在使用这种扩展时成败参半。Unfortunately, I've had very mixed success with this extension.

⊙、智者和愚人都没有害,最危险的倒是智愚参半。Wise men and fools have no harm, the most dangerous is wise fool.

法朵是一种苦乐参半风格的音乐,充满了乡愁和渴望。Fado is a bittersweet style music filled with longing and yearning.

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斯皮兹纳戈尔和泰尔伯的投资经历都只能说是胜负参半。As investors, Messrs. Spitznagel and Taleb have a mixed track record.

一些分析师担心国家的慷慨资助可能被证明是福祸参半。Some analysts fear the state's largess could prove as much bane as boon.

那么,为什么吃这顿饭的其余的我们这些人会苦甜参半、甚至哀伤呢?So why is this event so bittersweet, even melancholy, for the rest of us?