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你在高速公路上以120公里时速蛇行。You practices-curves on the freeway at 120.

骑车蛇行十五分钟后,我终于回到家。After fifteen minutes of figure eights, i rode home.

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玛丽娅哀求丈夫,赶紧躲开那辆还在左右蛇行的车。Maria implored her husband to get away from the weaving car.

多回旋的单一多凸棱平带传动系统是一种典型的蛇行蜿蜒带传动系统。Muilt-whirl belt drive system is a typical serpentine belt drives system.

固城河纵贯全境,河道斗折蛇行,迂回曲折。Longitudinalcheng he solid throughout, folding fighting snake river, tortuous.

本文还研究了可控径向转向架客车的蛇行运动稳定性。The hunting stability of the passenger car with CRB is also studied in this thesis.

这里河道斗折蛇行,彩石为底,幽峡曲径。Snake river fighting here folding, color stone for the end of Labyrinth Youtong Gap.

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摩托车手们在车流中穿梭蛇行,意大利人在逆向车道上向你冲过来时不会眨一下眼睛。Italians don't blink when they're coming straight at you on the wrong side of the road.

为此该文提出了跃升、蛇行和螺旋三种末端机动弹道的设计方法。Therefore the paper brings forward some design methods for three terminal maneuvering trajectory, viz.

矿工们蛇行穿过地下室的碎石堆,准备用锤子砸开水泥梁。The miners snaked through the basement rubble and prepared to strike a concrete beam with their hammers.

分析结果表明跨坐式独轨车辆的转向架存在不稳定的蛇行运动,其临界速度取决于转向架本身的结构及参数。It has been shown that there is unstable hunting in the monorail car which inheres with the bogie structure.

本文首先从理论上叙述了铁道车辆系统非线性蛇行运动稳定性的求解方法。First of all , the nonlinear hunting stability solution method of railway vehicles is described theoretically.

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多回旋的单一多凸棱平带传动系统是一种典型的蛇行蜿蜒带传动系统。The concept "torsional vibration in the neighborhood of nominal motion of belt drive pulley systems" is presented.

武当功夫以无为源,以桩为本,动如蛇行,静如山岳。The source of Wudang Kungfu is based on the inaction, rooted in stake, move like a snake walking, calm as a mountain.

朝水有一个朝此方向的推力,水反过来推水管,就让水管蛇行了。The garden hose pushes onto the water in this direction The water pushes back onto the garden hose and it snakes back.

一个带墨镜的年轻人走进细雨,手里好像还拿着个婴儿摇篮朝门洞这边蛇行而来。A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked like a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.

论文研究了列车中各车辆在直线上和大半径圆曲线上的蛇行稳定性问题。In this paper, the stability problems on straight and circular curved tracks for each vehicle in the train set are studied.

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分别模拟目标作巡航飞行、平飞加速、跨越障碍机动、水平蛇行机动飞行时的动作。The target actions of cruise flying, level accelerating, resolving obstacle move, level hunting move flying were simulated.

比如为什么你打开花园草坪上,水管的龙头,水管就会,向后蛇行呢?I remember I had a garden hose on the lawn and I would open the faucet and the garden hose would start to snake backwards. Why?

车子在车道之间漂移蛇行告诉我们它的司机可能是疲劳驾车、后驾车或者是在边驾车边打电话-所以赶紧离开他们远一点。Also, drifting in the lane often identifies a tired, drunk or cell phone-preoccupied driver- so you should get away from that person.