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吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!If you eat me, you'll be disobeying the god's order.

18岁没有做什么大逆不道的事情。What 18-year-old hasn't done something profoundly stupid?

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这里象是一个钢板小教堂,放荡和闹笑都是大逆不道的罪孽。It was a vault, a steel chapel where loafing and laughter were raw sin.

因为这麽做会被认为大逆不道,那会是政治自杀。Because doing so would be considered outrageous, that would be political suicide.

封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名。Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics.

这么做几年前可能认为是大逆不道,但是今天电子音乐不再是大逆不道的了。To do those things a few years ago was a bit immoral. But electronics is no longer immoral.

他们认为,我身为一个女孩不给他们赚钱不什么事都顺从,就是大逆不道,就是不孝。They think, I am a girl not to give them money is not everything is obedient, treason and heresy, are unfilial.

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我是天帝派来治理百兽的。吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!I was sent by God to rule all the animals. If you eat me, you're disobeying the God's order. Then you're not a good animal.

在传统的尼泊尔社会,与不同种姓和民族通婚被认为是大逆不道、绝对不能接受的行为。In traditional Nepalese society it is considered sacrilegious and totally unacceptable to marry outside of your caste or ethnic group.

大学生的恋爱行为是否文明,但看是否影响观瞻即可,不必把正常的身体接触视为大逆不道。Amative behavior of the undergraduate is civilized, but look to whether affect sight can, need not regard regular body contact as treason and heresy.

我们老百姓看着玩玩,消遣一下,顺便了解一下大致的历史评书,也未必就是大逆不道。If us common folk have fun and take it easy while watching, but at the same time learn a little bit about historical accounts, it is not exactly treason and heresy.

我踩在中轴线上,抬头仰视威严壮丽的大殿,犯下大逆不道的罪行,我本该被拖出午门,可现在是在当世。I stepped on north-south axis, looked up and look up the majesty of the basilica, committed spectacular animal crimes, I should have dragged out, but is now in wumen.

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虽然这样按年龄差别配给药物听上去大逆不道,但它或许是最高效的使用药物的方法了。"Although a policy of age-specific prioritization of antiviral use will be controversial ethically, it may be the most efficient use of stockpiled therapies, " he said.

毒品,你诱惑大批大批的人群来到你的掌控之下,让人们的意志涣散,从而做出大逆不道的恶形。Drug , you allure the large amounts of crowd to arrive in your palm charge under, the will giving way to people slacks, make the evil shape thoroughly turbulent and absurd out thereby.

对于在世界金融首都中心的商学院里传道授业的自由市场派经济学家来说,倡议政府全面接管银行系统简直就是大逆不道。As free-market economists teaching at a business school in the heart of the world's financial capital, we feel downright blasphemous proposing an all-out government takeover of the banking system.