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我们还得穿上罩衣吗?。Do we need to put on the jackets too?

那艺术家的罩衣上沾满了颜料。The artist's smock was covered in paint.

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有许多穿着印花布罩衣的天使。There are angels in printed cotton smocks.

那店员穿著白色长罩衣。The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.

我已经穿上了长罩衣,准备开始工作了。I've got my overalls on, so I'm ready to start work.

医护人员应有个人专用罩衣、手套、面罩和护目镜。Hospital staff should have individual gowns, gloves, masks and goggles.

医院罩衣是人们在医院接受治疗时穿的。A hospital gown is worn by people receiving medical treatment in hospital.

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我上周在这儿买的罩衣,仿佛出需要别人解答的题目了。I bought thellos blouse here last week, but there seems to be somethellong wrong with it.

医生,甚至是保洁人员都必须穿医院罩衣,戴手套和特制的口罩。Doctors, nurses, even the cleaning staff, might have to wear gowns, gloves and special masks.

这种绵羊穿的罩衣,是用0.05毫米厚的聚乙烯薄膜制成的,在剪完羊毛之后给羊穿上。The coats, made of polythene sheet 0.05 millimetre thick, are fitted on the sheep after shearing.

这是要确保你的罩衣不要干扰到图像,并且你正确地站着。This ensures that your gown won't interfere with the pictures and that you are standing correctly.

在检查房间里,你会拿到一件罩衣,并且要求你脱掉颈部首饰和腰部以上的衣物。At the testing facility, you're given a gown and asked to remove neck jewelry and clothing from the waist up.

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在你被要求脱下罩衣或调整位置时不要感到担忧,即使要你踮起脚尖。Don't be concerned if you are asked to remove your gown or reposition, even if it means standing on your toes.

这些是斗士,但尚未组织成部队,因为他们的罩衣裁剪、色彩各异。These are fighting men, but not organized soldiers, for they wear robes of different cut and color one from the other.

他在房子外面调好颜料后两手各提一桶颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,嘴叼刷子,蹒跚着朝房门走去。He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth.

该报纸说,刑侦专家在伦敦市中心柯文特花园扣押了一家化妆工作室的一些物品,包括毛刷、罩衣、纸币等。Forensic experts seized items including hairbrushes, gowns and banknotes from a make-up studio in Covent Garden, central London, the paper said.

在处理染病动物或其组织时,以及在尸体解剖后应佩戴防护装备,如手套,罩衣,口罩和防护眼镜。Protective equipment such as gloves, gowns, masks and protective eyewear should be worn while handling sick animals or their tissues, and during post-mortems.

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铁头·纽科姆从马房的边门出来了,穿了条工作裤和一件在谷仓穿的油腻腻的罩衣,走动时有条腿摆动得很奇怪。Bunt Newcombe came out of a side door of the stable. He was wearing overalls and a greasy barn smock, and he moved with an odd swing of one leg. "Bum leg, " Dahlia said.

在即将向陪审团出示的尸检照片中,一张是罩着医院罩衣的杰克逊的尸体被安置在诊疗台上,另一张是裸体,某些部位被遮挡着。In one image to be shown to the jury, the singer's dead body is seen laid out on a coroner's examination table in a hospital gown. In another he is naked but with parts of his body obscured.

例如,人们已经带来了几百万件女式保暖长内衣,但没人对我的鼠尾草罩衣感兴趣,并允许让沙发土豆盖上柔软的环保的绿叶毯子。People have bought millions of Snuggies, for example, but nobody seems interested in my idea for a Chia Robe, allowing environmentally conscious couch potatoes to wear a soft blanket of greenery.