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我要一些凡士林。I'd like some Vaseline.

不用,谢谢。我要一些凡士林。No, thank you. I'd like some Vaseline.

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凡士林是一种很有效的润滑剂。Vaseline is a very efficient lubricator.

珍珠粉,凡士林,彩粉,石腊油。Pearl power, Vaseline, color power, white mineral oil.

白色透明,近于无色的无味凡士林油。White odorless, colorless and tasteless paraffinic oil.

还有涂凡士林或护唇膏来保护你的嘴唇。Also, use petroleum jelly or lip moisturizer for your lips.

它的皱纹在处子,沙子凡士林。It's the wrinkle in the bedsheet, the sand in the vaseline.

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把一个商用的反应堆当作是核弹,正如把凡士林当作凝固汽油炸弹。A commercial reactor is to a bomb what Vaseline is to napalm.

有些马拉松比赛的水站为参赛者提供凡士林,急救绷带,甚至是按摩师。Some marathons provide Vaseline, Band-Aids, and even masseurs.

包括凡士林、婴儿油、矿物油及食用油。This includes Vaseline, baby oil, mineral oil and cooking oils.

不要使用唾液、护肤霜、油脂、凡士林、肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂。Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube.

现代社会还在使用凡士林作为皮肤软膏。Our modern society continues to use petroleum jelly as a skin ointment.

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仅使用水基润滑剂,不要用凡士林、雪花膏或者油。Use only water-based lubricants, not petroleum jelly, cold cream or oils.

派瑞。从前他会在球上抹上一点凡士林,凡士林则是涂在帽缘下。He used to rub on a little Vaseline that he kept under the brim of his cap.

将密封圈的外圆和密封唇上涂上一层薄薄的凡士林。Thinly coat sealing lip and outer circumference of sealing ring with vaseline.

凡士林,羊脂膏,香袋油或其他唇膏油脂可用于防止擦伤。Vaseline, lanolin, bag balm or other grease can be used to prevent chafe marks.

他说他是个同性恋,觉得你很帅,还问我咱们家有没有凡士林油。He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline.

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在容易被擦伤的地方擦上薄薄的一层身体霜、凡士林或其它润滑剂。Spread a thin layer of BodyGlide, Vaseline, or other lubricant on vulnerable areas.

想要鞋子不发出滋滋声,拿出鞋垫,涂上凡士林或者WD-40再放回去。To stop squeaky shoes, remove the insole and apply Vaseline or WD-40 before replacing it.

这就是为什么你看到在绝大多数保湿剂里都有像凡士林、羊脂、和矿物质油之类的东西。That's why you see things like petrolatum, lanolin , and mineral oil in most moistuirizers.