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是审时度势的时候了。It was time to take stock of the situation.

不,你不会看到他们时,审时度势海岸线。No, you will not see them when sizing up the shoreline.

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应审时度势,积极构建一个更为有效的高教评估组织体系。We need to establish a more effective educational evaluation system.

不过,在这之前,我们会保持谨慎,审时度势。Until then, we will remain cautious and assess the situation as it unfolds.

伽利略自身在从一个堕落的,不完美的,不确定的角度,审时度势。Galileo himself is viewing the situation from a fallen and an unperfect, uncertain perspective.

战绩最出色的球队都能审时度势,根据比赛进程灵活调整球风。The most successful teams were flexible and able to adapt their style of play to the match situation.

尽管根特是一名难以置信的计算机高手,但他审时度势的能力还有待提高。While incredibly proficient with a computer, Ghent's streetwise skills could have used a little work.

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经过十多年的审时度势,他的性格依然是那么让人捉摸不透,韬光养晦高深莫测。After more than a decade of scrutiny, his nature remains enigmatic and his depths not quite fully fathomed.

贝蒂展示了斯林基的精神,那就是根据生活的起伏变化,审时度势行事。Betty embodies the spirit of the Slinky, rolling through the years according to the way life pushes and pulls.

在关键时刻,需要一位能审时度势、认识到长期危害可能性的领袖。At critical moments, they require a leader to take stock and recognize the potential for long-term harm,” he said.

1978年,一位巨人以超人的胆识,审时度势,将尘封的国门向世界洞开!In 1978, a giant with superhuman courage, size up the situation, the dust-laden country will be open to the world!

作为父母唯一的儿子,我应该审时度势,帮助他们克服这些困难。As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties.

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我们应该审时度势,想尽一切办法,抓住机遇,有效应对各种威胁和挑战。We must assess the situation and seize every opportunity, and do everything we can to meet all the threats and challenges.

辅导员在谈心教育中要坚持平等尊重、以诚相待、情理兼备、审时度势的原则。Counselor education in the talk to adhere to equal respect, honest, reasonable, skills, size up the situation in principle.

是个审时度势、厚积薄发、从技术和价格上都贴近现实可以长期运作的产品。Is size up the situation, Accumulate, both from a technical and price close to reality the long term operation of the product.

但师范教育也应审时度势,树立陶行知的“大教育观念”,建立开放的教师教育体系。It should suit the changes of the time, establish Tao Xingzhi's Concept of Mass Education, building open teachers' education system.

我们建议vs。下审时度势上浆对那些介于全尺寸,为皮革上不会弹性显著。We recommend sizing up vs. sizing down for those who are in-between whole sizes, as the leather upper will not stretch significantly.

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兰州市委、市政府审时度势,确定在马滩、崔家大滩、营门滩建设兰州新城区。Lanzhou municipal government size up the situation, determine the MA Beach, Cuijia, is their camps at the new building in Lanzhou City.

同时,邹韬奋审时度势,提出女子教育思想,支持了当时的女子解放运动,顺应了时代的发展。At the same time, Zou Taofen promoted the female liberation movement and put forward women's educational ideology according to the times.

湖南茶叶出口企业必须正视出口汇率风险,审时度势,积极采取应对措施,争取在激烈竞争中立于不败之地。Hunan tea export companies should positively respond to this situation, and take suitable measures to keep competitiveness in international market.