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我觉得自己俨如一个国王。I felt like a king.

他在办公室里俨如一个专制暴君。He is a high-handed tyrant in his office.

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我们也有情绪低落的时候,俨如游离状态的动物。We had dark-sided mood and we were touring animals.

我们经历过的一切俨如一场梦。Everything we've gone through was just like a dream.

我们也有情绪低落的时候,俨如游离状态的动物。We had dark side of the mood and we were touring animals.

俨如电影工场,有很多场景可供拍照。Asia Hollywood is a scenic movie studio abound with photo opportunities.

朱莉在电影中一身打扮俨如索菲亚罗兰,一路只顾婀娜生姿地走过俨如她正在一条想象中长长的T型台上走秀。Dolled up like Sophia Loren, she swaggers through the movie like it's one long imaginary catwalk.

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我经常跟自己说,不拍戏和平常的我是两个人,拍戏的我俨如另一个人。I always told myself that I am a different person when I am not working on a film and having a regular life.

根据一名美国评论员所说的,英国人绝对相信他们赢了这场战争,但是他们表现得俨如他们输了。As one American commentator put it, the British certainly believed they had won the war, but they behaved as though they had lost it.

那身衣裙穿在小珠儿身上恰到好处,俨如她个性的一种流露,或是其必然发展和外部表现。The dress, so proper was it to little Pearl, seemed an effluence, or inevitable development and outward manifestation of heR character.

这里,猴子展现出无坚不摧的力量,多角度的动作雄踞庄严神圣的画布,俨如新纪元的一代英雄。Here, the monkey exudes an indestructible force, consuming the grandeur canvas in dynamic action as the appointed hero of the new Genesis.

费拉蓬托夫是一个身体肥胖面色黑红,四十来岁的庄稼汉,他嘴唇粗厚,鼻子俨如一颗粗大的肉瘤,皱起的浓眉上方也长著有同样粗大的两个肉瘤,此外还有一个凸起的大肚子。Ferapontov was a stout, dark, ruddy peasant of forty, with thick lips, a thick, knobby nose, similar knobby bumps over his black, knitted brows, and a round belly.

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虽然蒋元知道高兴并非自己的亲生儿子,却没有因此影响与花拉的关系,二人在公司俨如一对夫妻。Although jiang yuan know happy is not his own son, but not so affected and spend, the relationship between two people just like a pair of husband and wife in the company.

后来,银屏赶上新上任之官媒丁有维,二人晤面,永远相互唱反调,俨如一对欢欣冤家!Later, catch up with the new term of the silver screen DingYouWei media, the two men WuMian, always take the opposite view, arguing with each other a city of life friends!

如果你能够在大理住上一个星期,你就可以神气的在古城里和人招呼着与被招呼着,俨如一个住上很多年的半个大理人了。If you can live for one week in Dali, you can perkily hail with people and be hailed by people in ancient wall, just like a half Dali people that have lived here for many years.

骠骑兵的全线都能听见疾速前进的骑士的马蹄声,一名骠骑兵士官的身躯俨如一头巨象忽然从黑夜的雾霭中闪现出来了。They heard the thud of a horse trotting along the line of hussars, and there suddenly sprang up out of the night mist, looking huge as an elephant, the figure of a sergeant of hussars.

我在多伦多大街上见过加国总督伍冰枝,除了有两个粗壮男子五米之外相随,人家伍总督和老公牵手漫步,俨如平民。I have seen Canada Governor Adrienne Clarkson on the Toronto avenue. Besides the two sturdy male following five meters away, Governor Wu and the husband are strolling just like common people.

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各界在这萧条时期依旧关心富豪们的消费习惯,而确实也仍然存在着一个这样的社会阶层,这些人俨如明天就是世界末日似的流水般地花着钱。While speculation seems to continue regarding the spending habits of the uber-rich in these recessionary times, there's still a strata of the society who is spending like there's no tomorrow!