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小麦的胚芽对增进健康很有好处。Wheat germ is very health-giving.

它能增进亲切感和爱意。It promotes affability and affection.

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这家公司的入职教育的确增进了我的知识。This really accelerated my knowledge.

专注能增进脑力。Concentration can increase brainpower.

威士忌酒增进同人情谊。The whisky lubricates a comradely spirit.

增加数个提示讯息以增进流畅度。Added several prompts to enhance usability.

现在我们还知道,健康也会增进财富。We now know that health also begets wealth.

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物体下落增进动量。A falling object gains momentum as it falls.

增进对幽默和讽刺效果的感悟力。Deepen our understanding of humor and irony.

她们把这看成是增进感情,是情感支持。They see it as bonding and being supportive.

运动能增进你的食欲。Exercise will improve your appetite for food.


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踢毽子增进了我的食欲。Kicking the shuttlecock has sharpened my appetite.

饮食中添加辣椒或其它香料来增进食欲。And use pepper or other spices to liven your meals.

确立明确目标,不断增进英文听说读写能力。I have clear goals for improving my English skills.

马上用这个技巧来增进自己的脑力吧。Use this technique to increase your brainpower now.

矽胶材质能增进您脚的舒适以及耐用性。Made with silicone to enhance comfort and durability.

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中国的投行是鞭策中国增进。I-checking in China is which involves improving China.

这样可以增进友谊,还能认识新朋友。So can enhance friendship, still can meet new friends.

而单用大垄沟种植对玉米的生长无明显的增进作用。While, the effect of BR on maize growth was not marked.