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有时我会担心。Sometimes I worry.

做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。being Harry Potter.

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有时爱情徒有虚名。Love is only a name.

有时我们绊跌。Sometimes we stumble.

我有时喝点儿茶。Sometimes I drink tea.

有时是老板很糟糕。Sometimes bosses suck.

有时选景越少越好。Sometimes less is best.

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社会进化有时实在是太快了。Evolution is over-rated.

有时狂热可能会很致命。Or manias can be deadly.

有时我们吃油条。Sometimes I eat Youtiao.

有时它飞的过了头。Sometimes it overshoots.

有时,我也想知道。I wonder, too, sometimes.

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我的皮肤有时感到刺痛。My skin pricks sometimes.

他有时还咄咄逼人。He can also be aggressive.

有时她会冲我眨眼。Sometimes she winks at me.

有时您可以这样做。Sometimes you can do that.

有时,可以说,是个弄臣。Almost, at times, the Fool.

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她有时很小心眼。She is very petty at times.

有时,我睡觉很早。Sometimes Igo to bed early.

有时坐在村口,看着天空。Sometimes sat village, sky.