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疾风吹倒了许多树。The gale prostrated many trees.

疾风使勇敢的吉姆不知所措。Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim.

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且随疾风前行,身后亦须留心。Follow the wind, but watch your back.

一阵疾风吹起了地上的尘土。A strong wind blew dust on the ground.

他跳入冰冷的疾风,他的静态线被解开。He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked.

她设计的大厦像一阵疾风,清新自然、孔武有力、浑然天成。Her buildings are like a gust of wind — organic, forceful and utterly natural.

瓜迪奥拉同意了,一场疾风骤雨的5-0轻松拿下比赛。And Pep Guardiola's side obliged, thrashing Atletico Madrid 5-0 in a lashing rain.

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他们的夏季短裤已经在互联网、博客和新闻传输上刮起了一阵疾风。Their new Summer Short has been blasted all over the internet, blogs, and news feeds.

同学们都叫我我“闪电”,是因为我跑步快如疾风,势如闪电。My classmates call me "flash", because I run fast, such as high winds, the potential like lightning.

持有绝技疾风之居合——镰鼬,他是个相当厉害的“雇佣忍者”。The house of hold stunt flurry closes -- sickle stoat, he is quite fierce " the person that employ is borne ".

又或是迎面一阵疾风,原本看着天高云淡,就被满地黄叶给伤了心。Again or head-on a gust, originally watched past. then light clouds and were scattered yellow leaves to hurt his heart.

它从疾风的力量猛然地撞进我,几乎脱臼我的肩,但是它应该可以是很多更坏的事。It slammed into me from the force of the blast, almost dislocating my shoulder, but it could have been a whole lot worse.

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经过新老两届学生的共同努力,雏鹰已逐渐成熟,拥有了天空的高度和疾风的速度。After the new old two student's efforts, the young eagle has gradually matured, with the height of the sky and the wind speed.

一场典型的战斗遭遇是两方的冲突,一阵武器挥舞、牵制佯攻、迴挡闪避、步法脚技与法术施放的疾风骤雨。A typical combat encounter is a clash between two sides, a flurry of weapon swings , feints, parries, foot-work, and spellcasting.

太阳只是一朵朦胧发光的云,穿越了疾风飞雪的漩涡,光亮衬托出深黑的外形轮廓。The sun is just a dimly glowing patch of cloud across which flurries of snowflakes swirl and eddy, dark patterns against the glow.

每年有50多种、1600万候鸟从非洲萨哈拉南部启程,挥动着翅膀、势如疾风来到英国,预示着春天到了。SIXTEEN million migratory birds fly to Britain every year from sub-Saharan Africa in a flurry of wing beats that herald the spring.

1864年4月8日,共和党控制下的参议院以远超必须的三分之二多数如同疾风骤雨一般通过了宪法第13修正案。The overwhelmingly Republican Senate passed the Thirteenth Amendment by more than the necessary two-thirds majority on April 8, 1864.

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蒙面人跳上了另一幢房顶,俞秀莲追过去,一阵疾风掌招呼上去。The Figure answers by leaping to another rooftop. Yu catches up and resumes her attack with a relentless series of lightning-quick blows.

加拿大乡村音乐节露天舞台因疾风突然发生坍塌,造成1人死亡15人受伤。The stage at an open-air country music festival in Canada has collapsed in sudden, high winds, killing one person and injuring 15 others.

然而,尽管如此,最近疾风骤雨般的经济报告则暗示经济已从悬崖边退回好多步。For all that, however, the latest flurry of economic reports suggests that the economy has backed up several paces from the edge of the abyss.