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眼看武馆馆主将要反败为胜。See the martial arts will be crowned and win the game.

我的双眼已经看见了主将要降临的辉煌!Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!

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戴仁是法国当代汉学界的主将。Dai is a Contemporary French sinology commanding general.

腓力对他说,求主将父显给我们看,我们就知足了。Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

在卸货港,买主将使用CIQ或SGS作为最后的检验权力。At unloading port, buyer will use CIQ OR SGS as final inspection authority.

上主将是受迫害者的碉堡,作他困厄中及时的避难所。The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, stronghold in times of trouble.

这个事件中的主将说,他就不会要求死刑。The commanding general in the case says he will not seek the death penalty.

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John解释到,如果把她带到主面前,主将会医治她。John explained that if I brought her in faith to the Lord, He would heal her.

因为上主将要护佑你,使你的脚远离陷阱。For the Lord will be at thy side, and will keep thy foot that thou be not taken.

身为裨将,必须努力配合主将的工作。As a subordinate general, you have to cooperate fully with the commanding general.

作为乡土文学的主将,他却进行着都市题材的创作。Although he is the representative of the rural literature, his works focus on city.

然而主将布勒朝左方的外场守场员猛击出一个长球,竟把基尔达尔街俱乐部的玻璃窗给打碎了。Still captain buller broke a window in the kildare street club with a slog to square leg.

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战后组织俄亥俄州共和党力量的主将是雷儿布利斯。The chief architect of post war Republican organizational strength into Ohio was Ray C. Bliss.

于是上主将他们分散到全地面,他们遂停止建造那城。And so the Lord scattered them from that place into all lands, and they ceased to build the city.

在主的宣言中,你会发现,我们的主将属世的标准彻底改变了。In The Master's Manifesto, you will find that our Master turns the world's standards on its head.

那名美式足球的主将在和他的球队续约之前,坚持索求更高的报酬。The valuable football player held out for more money before signing a new contract with his team.

这些成就确立了高行健在新时期戏剧实验中主将的地位。These achievements have helped Gao Xingjian establish important status in the new time' play tests.

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这位缅甸的诺贝尔得主将可能再一次公开举行争求民主,基本人权的活动。Myanmar's Nobel laureate is likely, once again, to campaign openly for democracy and basic human rights.

许多家庭和小企业主将会极早的获得医疗保险。Many families and small business owners will have health insurance for the very first time in their lives.

就在这一天,上主将以色列子民一队一队地领出了埃及。And the same day the Lord brought forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their companies.