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她的头发披散着。Her hair was hanging down.

她通常披散着头发。She usually wears her hair loose.

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深色的金发从头上披散下来。Dark blond hair springs from the scalp.

我们的面颊苍白,我们的长发披散Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound

街垒出现了人在上面竞相攀登的场面,它有着一簇象鬃毛样披散的火光。The barricade once scaled had a mane of lightning flashes.

她让乌黑的头发披散下来,飘垂到肩上。She let her hair down so that it flew darkly over her shoulders.

她很快地把头发解开,叫它完全披散下来。Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let ir fall to its full lenth.

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加上她那一头如细浪般的黑发,披散开来,十分的迷人。With her a small wave as hair-like, open it loose to very fascinating.

我将披散我的头发,我的青蓝的披风将像黑夜一样地紧裹着我。I will let loose my hair. My blue cloak will cling round me like night.

她信奉伊斯兰教,但却披散着她那长长的黑发,并没有把它遮起来。She practices Islam, but wears her long, dark hair loose and uncovered.

海风吹得非常猛烈,披散的头发迎风飞舞。My hair, loosely hanging down, was dancing freely in the strong sea wind.

还化了浓妆,包括假睫毛,把头发披散下来。I wore a lot of make-up, including false eyelashes, and left my hair down.

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我将披散我的头发,我的青蓝的披风将像黑夜一样地紧裹着我。I will let apart my hair. My dejected blind will adhere round me like night.

主公是个牙齿全部脱落褐色过肩长发慵懒披散的老人。Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.

突然,我的那只奇怪的手猛地一下向上伸去,抓住了她披散在脖子周围的一绺黑色的卷发。Suddenly, my queer hand reached up and grasped one of the dark curls that fell about her neck.

这时德拉的美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布一样,波浪起伏,金光闪闪。So now Della’s beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.

没有许多披散头发的诗人散发传单,但一座摩天大楼却会在你眼前崛起。You will not spot many wild-haired poets handing out flyers, but a skyscraper will form before your eyes.

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麦琪弯得象只小虾,大拇指含在嘴巴里,满头披散着她那用破布条装饰起来的头发。Maggie was curled into a little heap, with her thumb in her mouth and her rag-decorated hair all around her.

不幸的老婆下来了,跪倒在他的脚旁,满是泪水,头发披散到肩上。The distressed wife came down, and threw herself at his feet, all in tears, with her hair about her shoulders.

所不同的是披散的长发用个手绢束住,脚上也多了一双拖鞋。The differences were that her long and loose hair was bound by a handkerchief and a pair of sandal was on her feet.