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她的心灵跪倒在姨夫面前。She knelt in spirit to her uncle.

他的姨夫姨妈交换了一下愤怒的眼光。His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage.

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“姑娘,准备走吧?”柴斯特姨夫欢快地说。"Ready to go, girl?" Uncle Chester said cheerfully.

对于姨夫,晓之于理,那样岁数的人了,他还能咱样?The uncle, known the truth, as older people, he can let?

“我要是告诉我姨夫,他会杀了你的!”她愤然说道。"Were I to tell my uncle, he would kill you! " she raged.

除了在姨夫的客厅里,以前她从来没有在客厅里见过卡巴顿。She'd never seen Cal in a parlor before, except for her uncle's.

大姨夫管好你媳妇,别让她欺负我媳妇。Uncle you and your wife, don't let her bully my daughter-in-law.

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她会和她的姨妈和姨夫在待在一起,可是,会有很大的变化的。She would be rejoining her aunt and uncle, but in a vastly different manner.

她姨夫过来了。没有时间了。太晚了。太晚了。Her uncle was coming back. There was no more time. It was too late. Too late!

“你要是告诉你姨夫,他会把你扔到门后的,”他冷漠说。“"Were you to tell you uncle, he would throw you out the back door, "he said coolly.

一岁的哈利波特失去父母后,神秘地出现在姨夫姨妈家的门前。One of the harry potter lost parents, after mysteriously appeared in the aunt's door.

今天我去他们家的时候,弟弟正在和姨夫玩得开心,我就坐在沙发上看电视。When I went to their home today, brother and uncle are fun, I sat on the couch and watch tv.

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帕尤妮亚姨妈那张瘦长的马脸出现在维能姨夫宽阔的紫脸后面。她看起来很脸色发青。Aunt Petunia's thin, horsy face now appeared beside Uncle Vernon's wide, purple one. She looked livid.

妈妈、爸爸、索菲姨、比尔姨夫和我围坐在她律师办公室的一个小会议桌旁。Morn, Dad, Aunt Sophie, Uncle Bill and I sat around a small conference table in her attorney's office.

有的挖野菜。就在我们都累了的时候,二姨夫来喊我们回家吃饭,我们一路疲惫的走回了家。When we all are very tired, Just then, My Second Uncle shouted us for lunch. We went back with frazzle.

姨只要做好吃的或是烙饼炸油饼都要多做一些,让孩子或姨夫送去,有时自己亲自去。Aunt just do eat or pancake fried potato to make more, let the children or uncle sent himself, sometimes.

毛毛姨夫岌岌可危,通知龙飞飞四姐妹,野战营长抢走了毛毛姨。Maomao uncle in jeopardy, notify the dragon feifei four sisters, field battalion commander robbed maomao aunt.

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我要开始收拾我的东西了。明天早晨,柴斯特姨夫会驾车送我去车站吗?I must start getting my things together. Perhaps Uncle Chester could drive me in to the depot tomorrow morning?

你姨夫以往从来不觉得你好看,现在他觉得你好看了。范妮,不要对此不好意思,他是你姨夫嘛。Your uncle never did admire you till now-and now he does. Fanny, do not turn away about it-it is but your uncle.

我确信是母亲和祖母、父亲和祖父、姑妈和姨夫的你们正明确无误地认识到这点。I am sure you who are mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers , aunties and uncles are realizing this.