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这个摄影棚并不隔音。The studio isn't soundproof.

房间的隔音设备太差了。The room's insulation is too bad.

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工人们将这间屋子建成隔音的。The workmen built this room sound-proof.

随后,隔音房间就沐浴在柔和的红光中。The room was then bathed in soft red light.

他们用很厚的窗帘使房间隔音。They deafened the room with heavy curtains.

隔音玻璃挡住了里边的动静。Soundproof glass muffled any noise, however.

把男生的寝室能弄成隔音的才好呢!I wish we could sound-proof the boys' bedroom !

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然后检查了舒尔SE210隔音耳机。Shure SE210 "noise" then check " the " headset.

隔音材料的工厂在1999年解雇了吴先生。The soundproofing factory fired Mr. Wu in 1999.

这噪音只有用隔音设备才能减低。The noise can be reduced only by sound- proofing.

使用泡沫橡胶条进行隔音。Applying foam rubber strips for acoustic isolation.

或者他只是在隔音场里架设摄像机?Or was he just setting up a camera on a soundstage?

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那些大而结实的隔音门到哪里去了?Whatever happened to a big, solid, soundproof door?

一个隔音家庭影院也可以用来播放音乐。A sound-proof home cinema is also used to play music.

我们可以用厚墙使房间隔音。We can deaden the noise of the room with thick walls.

门并没有隔音的作用。The doors would not have prevented sounds coming through.

在某种程度上,你们是在一个隔音和隔绝的房间里。To some extent you are in a soundproof and isolated room.

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隔音材料,声学的,矿物纤维制。Insulating materials, thermal, microporous, mineral fibre.

这种双层玻璃窗既保暖又隔音。This double-glazing keeps in the heat and keeps out the noise.

铁路车辆-隔音的沥青产品。NF F19-449 Railway rolling stock, Soundproofed bituminous product.