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然而,势态好转前,兴许会恶化。Yet things may get worse before they get better.

此类臭虫数量增长今年呈爆炸势态。The stink bug population has been exploding this year.

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有意无意地,这些预测是对目前势态的保守推演。By coincidence or design, they are moderated extrapolations of current trends.

可怕的是,这种发展显然已经成为一种无法遏止的势态。The ghostlike character of this development lies in its apparently compulsory.

在讲述了以鸭绿江为目标的钳形攻势之后,阿蒙德再一次转向了势态图。After describing this twin- pronged thrust to the Yalu, Almond again turned to the situation map.

该系统具有可扩展性,能有效进行宏观网络的数据挖掘和实时势态感知。The framework was scalable to conduct cyberspace data mining and situational apperception effectively.

诗集反映出诗人汉语写作从边缘化走向国际化的势态。This collection of poems also displays the poet's writing trend from edge-ization to internationalization.

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但宝钢集团表示,将密切关注、跟踪和评估势态的发展。The company did say it is closely watching, following and evaluating the development' of the takeover effort.

但宝钢集团表示,将密切关注、跟踪和评估势态的发展。The company did say it is 'is closely watching, following and evaluating the development' of the takeover effort.

在势态得到控制之后,最后一个问题即皖南事变政治了结的条件。After the situation was brought under control, the last problem was to reach a political settlement of the South Anhui Incident.

中国美国商会表示,将继续关注势态的发展,但认为李毅中的话是“积极的一步”。The American Chamber of Commerce said it continues to monitor the situation, but described Mr. Li's comments as 'a positive step.

急性水泻病例每天在新的地点均有报告,并且需要继续监测和应对势态。Cases of acute watery diarrhoea are being reported daily in new locations and situation requires continued monitoring and response.

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由于成本上升,西班牙出口产品越来越不具有竞争力,但由于房地产的繁荣,就业增长维持强劲势态。Thanks to rising costs, Spanish exports became increasingly uncompetitive, but job growth stayed strong thanks to the housing boom.

对1985-2005年曲靖市食物中毒资料进行分析,了解曲靖市食物中毒流行势态与中毒原因。Data on food poisoning from 1985 to 2005 in Qujing City were analyzed to understand the epidemic trend and causes of food poisoning.

礼拜二,俄罗斯驻中国大使谢尔盖·拉佐夫说,两国在能源方面的合作正呈良好势态发展。Russian Ambassador to China Sergei Razov said on Tuesday in Beijing that smooth progress is being made in energy sector collaboration.

C-130J新增的势态感知系统让我们作战环境下更有效率,更加灵活,以及更大的生存机会。The additional situational awareness the C-130J gave us increased efficiency, flexibility, and survivability in the combat environment.

顷刻之间,一个对津巴布韦商业的致命威胁似乎已经解除,现在,势态的模糊化已日趋清晰。FOR a moment it seemed as though a mortal threat to businesses in Zimbabwe had been lifted. Now the usual lack of clarity has been restored.

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但是对于未来发展势态良好的工作的发展道路,势必会要求我们扩大学徒制的范围,如此一来,各行各业就能寻找到所需求的人才。But the path to good jobs for the future is surely to expand apprenticeship programs substantially so industry can find the workers it needs.

官方媒体上周末报导说,上周五在同一地点发生了一次新的、规模较小的泄漏,不过势态已经得到了控制。State-run news media reported over the weekend that the company contained a fresh, smaller leak that was discovered on Friday in the same place.

应势态重大时,例如,“太平天国讫义”,据说中国人打得异常英勇坚强,特别是他们在有良帅骁将时更是如斯。When there is a serious issue, as, for instance, inthe Tai-Ping rebellion, the Chinese are said to fight well, particularly if they have good officers.