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灰泥把砖粘合在一起。Mortar knits bricks together.

我需要一些水泥来粘合天花板。I want some cement to cement the celling.

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强力胶可以将很多东西粘合到一起。Super glue makes many things stick together.

这些部分都正确地粘合在一起吗?Are the pieces glued together in the right way?

牙齿被牢固地粘合在其孔窝内。The teeth were firmly cemented in their sockets.

不同的阶段要正确地粘合在一起。The stages'll be glued together in the right way.

他们要以正确的方式,粘合在一起。They've got to be glued together in the right way.

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你能把这破成两半的盘子粘合起来吗?Can you marry up the two halves of the broken plate.

你能把这个破成两半的盘子粘合起来吗?Can you marry up the two halves of the broken plate?

这里是一个近距离的一个单向阀前粘合。Here is a closeup of the one-way valve before gluing.

适用于各种挂勾,海报看报的粘合固定。Suitable for fastening all kinds of hook and placard.

过量喷漆需符合规定的粘合测试。Overspray shall conform to the specified adhesion tests.

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我剪下了些莱檬绿的布,用胶水粘合成一个手提包。I snipped some of the lime fabric, glued it to a handbag.

该新盒可以用用环氧树脂粘合或螺栓连接到位。The new box could be epoxied or screw attached into place.

所述的调和剂是指具有粘合作用的淀粉、甘油等。The tempering agent is starch, glycerin or other material.

鞋类。成鞋试验方法。帮底粘合强度。Footwear. Test methods for whole shoe. Upper sole adhesion.

正是两者之间的粘合增加了原本缺乏的关联。The glue in between added the missing link between the two.

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这样方法我消除少后我真要粘合的担心。That way I avoided panic later on while actually using glue.

用丁基合成橡胶粘合胶将罩盖密封在热交换器上。Seal cover over the heat exchanger airtight with butyl adhesive.

这种麻将是由多层材料粘合而成的。This kind of mahjong is composed of multilayer material bonding.