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不曾有过平顺或轻松的过渡。No transition is ever smooth or easy.

慢慢地、柔柔地、平顺地、轻轻地。Slowly, softly, smoothly and lightly.

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后躯驱动力平顺,而且非常强大。The hindquarters drive smoothly and with great power.

至于我,我凡事平顺,便说,我永不动摇。When I felt secure, I said, 'I will never be shaken.'

尽你的全力让家平顺和谐。Exert you to let a going smoothly diapason with all strength.

机械式的设计使车缝更稳定平顺与耐用。Mechanic design assures steady, smooth and durable stitching.

我以没有栏干和不平顺的步骤爬下的一系列容易受惊的步骤!A set of scary steps I climbed down with no handrail and uneven steps!

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如果铺路石被安装得差,路就会不平顺,草地就会在某个季节出现许多洞。Pavers installed poorly will be uneven and riddled with weeds in a season.

光滑平顺而得到加强,一个标准,回扭矩限制离合器。Smooth downshifts are enhanced by a standard, back-torque limiting clutch.

据此,提出秦沈客运专线轨道不平顺功率谱质量的评判方法。The evaluation method of PSD for QSDPR was set up on the basis of above work.

我现在开的雅阁几乎没有送修的问题,它跑得像丝绸一般平顺。The Honda I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk.

双动气压式活塞泵采用低摩擦系数组件,作动平顺持久耐用。Dual-action piston pump is durable by using low friction coefficient components.

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与其他的电子阅读器相比,这个界面算得上非常的简洁平顺、非常直观。The interface is very slick and intuitive compared to other E-Readers out there.

但即便中国的增长从未平顺,也没有什么能让她失控脱轨。But while the growth of China has never been neat or smooth, nothing has derailed it.

轨面短波不平顺是轮轨作用力的主要影响因素。The primary factor affecting the wheel-rail force is the short wave track irregularity.

平顺的头发,优雅的衣着,直接化妆会使我们看起来更具性感的吸引力。We look sexually attractive when we smoothing our hair or clothing, setting the straight.

首先是厚薄不一,手感粗糙,和真票的手感平顺、光滑差别很大。First, different thickness, feel rough, smooth feel and real votes, smooth and very different.

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不论从前面还是从侧面观察头部,共同之处在于都可以明显地观察到倾斜的楔形,轮廓平顺。Viewed from front or side, head resembles a well-blunted clean wedge, being smooth in outline.

短而平顺的被毛,柔软而羊毛质的被毛,过分长的被毛都属于严重缺陷。A short smooth coat, a soft woolly coat, or an excessively long coat is to be severely penalized.

低而舒展的、平顺的移动,前躯伸展充分而后躯驱动力强大。Low, free moving and smooth, with reach in the forequarters and strong drive in the hindquarters.