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但许多适龄儿童没有受到考验。But many school-age children have not been tested.

捐出那些他已经读过并且不再适龄的书如何?What about all the books he had read and outgrown?

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适龄的青年队员将在1月21日变成成年队员。Youths being 18 years old becomes seniors January 21st.

法律规定适龄儿童应当到当地中学就读。The law should be to the local secondary school age children.

村里有超过30名达到结婚年龄的男子,但没有一个适龄的单身女性。The village has over 30 men of marriageable age, but no single women.

他们现在已30-50岁,正是今天那些适龄儿童的父母。Now ages 30 to 50, they are the parents of today's school-age children.

我校招收3-18周岁的适龄学生,欢迎前来参观咨询。We welcome aged 3-18 students, and we are looking forward to your visit.

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SAT在国内越来越受到重视,就像更多的适龄青年低龄出国留学一样。SAT is getting popular here in China. So are teenagers studying overseas.

但是随着这个奉行计划生育政策国家的留学适龄人口的萎缩,印度是下一个该瞄准的市场。But as that one-child country ages Synthetic Wigs, India is the place to go for.

原译﹕适龄妇女患乳腺癌的发病率在那些低BMD中为最低。The age-adjusted incidence of breast cancer was lowest among those with low BMD.

适龄读者大概是13岁以上,但任何成年人也都会喜欢这本书。The appropriate age here is probably 13 and up but any adult will love this book.

下面是这种电池的建议对小学适龄儿童玩具本站乘坐。Below are recommendation of such battery powered ride on toys for elementary-age kids.

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此外,适龄儿童都能够按照约定的游戏规则。In addition, the school-age children are able to according to the agreed rules of the game.

该项目虽然主要面向适龄儿童,但任何人或团体都可以参与。Although geared to school age children, the project can be undertaken by any person or group.

第十二条适龄儿童、少年免试入学。Article 12 School-age children and adolescents shall be exempted from the entrance examinations.

适龄儿童和大学生之间在互联网的使用也有大幅增加。There was also a large increase in Internet use among school-aged children and college students.

即使是最繁忙的家长应尽量抽空只是一个适龄儿童或青少年。Even the busiest parent should try to find time to just be with a school-age or adolescent child.

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同时为年轻的低技术工人提供比较好的财政基础也会增大他们适龄结婚的可能性。And better financial footing for young, less-skilled workers would increase their marriageability.

设计符合幼童心智发展与需要的课程,长期有系统地规划适龄、适性之幼教课程。The curriculum should be systematic and designed to accord with a childs development and interest.

在从1995到2005的十年间,中国新增了1亿7百万适龄劳动力。During the decade between 1995 and 2005, China added 107 million working-age adults to its population.