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只留得面具,在暗处张牙舞爪。Just stay too mask, in the dark claws.

一个发怒的狗先张牙舞爪,后咬人。An angry dog shows its teeth before it bites.

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他们像一群被围困的野兽,张牙舞爪,暴跳如雷。They ramped and raged like a pack of trapped beasts.

突然,一只猫堵住洞口,张牙舞爪扑来。Suddenly, a cat blocked entrance, rear its ugly plunged.

猫妈妈一共有四个宝宝,这四个宝宝的从小深得猫妈真传,个个张牙舞爪。The four babies of the cat mother are all very ferocious too.

那个男生凶巴巴的,朝着他张牙舞爪,似乎想把他吃了一样。That boy bared toward his tough, seems to be to eat him the same.

在我混乱的脑海中,惊奇和厌恶对彼此张牙舞爪。Fascination and disgust clawed at one another in my confused mind.

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他们希望张牙舞爪、到处大吼的恶棍得到应得的惩罚。They wanted the swaggering , braying bully to get his comeuppance.

那个鬼在那边就张牙舞爪地恐吓他们。The ghost displayed his deadly fangs and claws trying to scare them.

他的恐吓威胁是很少见诸行动的,通常只是张牙舞爪,装模作样罢了!He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber –rattling.

很快,正张牙舞爪安坐在墙角里的老鼠恶霸进入了小白猫的视界。Soon, being claws sit in the corner of a small white mouse bullies into the horizon.

那个“差”字像一个张牙舞爪的魔鬼,时时出现在他的梦里。The‘poor’evaluation is like a clewing devils, which will appear in his dreams sometimes.

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黑暗生物们的疯狂进攻几乎形成了暗涌的大潮,张牙舞爪地试图淹没那个圣骑士。A dark wave rose as the combined mass attack of twisted creatures sought to overwhelm the paladin.

显微镜下的萝卜籽们看上去像一群张牙舞爪的侵略者。It takes a microscope to make a handful of carrot seeds look like a swarm of bristling space invaders.

当你一帆风顺的时候,千万不要张牙舞爪,因为不全是你个人的因素。When you are Bon voyage, never make threatening gestures, because of not whole is your personal factor.

对印度来说,也没有什么值得庆祝的,因为在气势汹汹和张牙舞爪的外表下,是干旱贫瘠带来的伤痛和悲哀。And it should provoke no triumphalism in India, for behind the bluster and the bravado, there is arid pain and sadness.

突然,一只猫堵住洞口,张牙舞爪扑来。老鼠拼命跑,猫就使劲追。Suddenly, a cat blocked entrance, rear its ugly plunged. Desperately running rats, cats feel like work on the recovery.

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我们下方,恐怖的根须和光秃秃地花枝,正张牙舞爪地等着猎物落下来。We below, hideous basis beard and merely and baldly the bloom twig is production intimidating gestures ground to await find to drop down.

在八月对格鲁吉亚采取军事行动后,俄罗斯这只大熊表明当他想要统治一方时,会毫不犹豫,张牙舞爪翻脸就不认人。In the August confrontation over Georgia, the Russian Bear showed it will not hesitate to bare its teeth and claws when it wants dominance.

采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物吓住,他就得不到宝贵的闪闪发亮的珍珠。Pearl pickers will not get shinning and valuable pearls if they are frightened by the monsters who are making threatening gestures in the sea.