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否则,那船没准会沉。Otherwise the boat might sink.

有这股子狂劲,没准他真能赢得最后的胜利。With his fanaticism, he may win at last.

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没准她的下一次婚姻能维持一年了吧!Maybe her next marriage will reach a year!

没准是因为这些樱桃要12美元一磅。Maybe those cherries were 12 bucks a pound.

没准我顺便还可以研究研究那流星群。Maybe along the way I can check the meteoroids.

可不管怎么说先试一试,没准我们能按时交活呢。But, let's give it a go, maybe we can finish in time.

“杰夫,没准是你对这事太多心了,”艾博说。“Jeff, maybe you’re overthinking this, ” Abnesti said.

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如果书很厚的话没准我就放弃了。If it had been a thick book, I would have discarded it.

如果警察不信,没准他能说服一位本地的法官呢。If not the police, perhaps he’ll convince a city judge.

没准我们可以找个时间细谈。Maybe we can find a time and have a detailed discussion.

你肯定在其他地方中招的没准是实验室?。You must have been dosed with it elsewhere. In the lab, maybe?

没准在第二年就就可以买上三到四处房子了。Maybe in the second year you will buy three or four properties.

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走进现实生活,没准就能碰上一个事实崽子的好机会。You might get a real live opportunity instead of an online one.

我懂缝纫,没准能给他叔叔缝件法官制服…I can sew the costumes. maybe his uncle goober can be the judge.

没准你的餐馆或你本人会出点什么不幸的事情呢。Something unfortunate could happen to your restaurant or to you.

我听说这栋房子里游荡着一个叫做“没准”的鬼魂。And I am told that it is haunted by the Ghost of Might-have-Been.

如果你足够幸运的话,没准你会在一个偶然的机会中,遇见一位终生的知心朋友。If you're lucky, you stumble upon a lifelong best friend by accident.

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说句让你扫兴的话,没准他是个风月老手。Say a sentence to disappoint you of words, maybe he was a romantic veteran.

没准可以辉煌到大上南极,或者潜进海沟。Perhaps may magnificently to big on South Pole, or dives the oceanic trench.

记着,但愿是件好东西,没准谱儿是件最好的东西,而且从没有一样好东西会磨灭!Rber, Hope is good thing, mybe the best of things nd no good thing ever dies!