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音乐只为我们奏响,那一轮满月也随我们时隐时现。Music cries out to us alone, and the full moon winks our way.

此时的槎山宛如仙山琼阁,时隐时现。Cha Shan mountains at this time like Joan Tower, and disappeared the next.

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山顶,被云雾遮挡着,绿的雾,白的雾,时隐时现。Peak, the fog obscured the green fog, white fog, hidden at the time is now.

在塞巴斯蒂安这出戏中,她一直饰演了一个时隐时现的、有点象谜一样的脚色。She has played an intermittent and somewhat enigmatic part in Sebastian's drama.

远远望去高高的山脉时隐时现的,只看见小丘似的一波一折的。From a distance high mountain scenery, only saw the hill like a wave of ten percent.

会飘落到上面,时隐时现的,“It would go out of his sight, and then it would pass again going back down to the table.

太阳时隐时现了一会儿,终于安详地躲到云彩后面去了。The sun was "in and out" a few times until it finally comfortably sat behind the clouds.

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它像玩具似闪亮的外形,配上时隐时现的LCD屏幕,真正让我们着迷。Its shiny toy-like form factor with its sexy disappearing LCD screen really gets us going.

在空中,时隐时现地浮现出许多狰狞的面孔和向上指着的苍白的手。Then I saw ghostly faces and white uplifted hands floating in the air- and then disappearing.

此刻,这些可爱的海狮幼崽们正处在低潮时时隐时现的一块礁石的保护中。Right now, these adorable sea lion pups are protected by a reef that looms up during low tide.

克奈半岛丰碑式的群山景色在海湾对面时隐时现。DO NOT STOP" – with the monumental mountainscape of the Kenai Peninsula looming across the bay.

炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。Smoke into the sky, like a fairy taking off Xian-yun, thump blurred, when disappeared the next.

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灿烂的星空上,月亮与它同行,在头顶上那团交缠的秃枝间时隐时现。The moon ran with him, slipping through a tangle of bare branches overhead, across the starry sky.

花季的邂逅、雨季的冲动、风季的告别,画季的回忆,都随着雨时隐时现。Flowering sesame, monsoon impulse, windy season farewell, painting season, as the rain memories to hers.

很奇怪,即使信号灯不闪烁,电视图像也一直时隐时现。It was queer how the TV picture kept disappearing and reappearing even though the lights didn't flicker.

几只蝴蝶也来了,它们那美丽的翅膀在花丛中时隐时现,花丛变得更加生机勃勃了。A few butterflies came also, their beautiful wings hovering in the flowers, the flowers become more vibrant.

此外,华北中南部地区云量较多,月亮可能会在云层中时隐时现。Dense clouds are also expected to partly hide the moon at times in the middle and southern areas of North China.

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运用音乐的节奏来制造霓红灯时隐时现的现代感觉,充满着时代特征,起意境把握的十分的到位。Musical rhythm is used to control neon light and create an glistening effect to highlight of feature of the era.

登加后来时隐时现,他目前的处境和活动不得而知。Though he surfaced from time to time in the years after, Dengar's current whereabouts and activities are unknown.

时隐时现的山岭,象云遮雾绕一般,在湛蓝色的天边。And disappeared when the mountain is, like the fog around the cloud cover in general, in the blue-colored horizon.