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港都的面貌如何?What are harbor cities like?

他将会有一个崭新的面貌。He's going to have a new look.

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太原面貌为之一新。Taiyuan, an entirely new look.

这个国家正在改变面貌。The country was being rebranded.

我是全一真神的一个面貌。To the One True Divinity This I AM.

漂亮的面貌就是保举书。A good face is a letter of rmendation.

这座城市的面貌已大大改观了。The face of this city has greatly changed.

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立交桥改变了城市的面貌。Flyovers have changed the face of the city.

明陵面貌壮观、独特。The Ming Tomb looks spectacular and unique.

自我克制和打理一下精神面貌才是。Self-restraint and a little good grooming is.

两个国家如今的面貌都受其历史的影响。Each country's present is affected by its past.

未来正如那则故事一样,其面貌将由我们决定。The future, like the story, is what we make it.

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政治通俗画在尹坤的油画中呈现出新的面貌。Political pop has a new face in Yin Kun' s oils.

他们什麽也不做,但改变面貌的食物。They do nothing but change the look of the food.

今天的奥特曼仍保留着它过去的面貌。Today Oatman still looks like it did in the past.

又展现了古代城市的商业面貌。This is a show of the commerce of an ancient city.

本人政治面貌清白,无犯罪前科。特此证明!I am a clear man and do not have any previous crime.

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被人看见真实面貌可是组织的大忌。Be seen the true face of the taboo , however Organize.

让我们看一看中国正在改变的面貌。Let us have a look at the changing landscape of China.

我有一个崭新的面貌周围找到一个很好的老建。I've got a brand new look built around a fine old find.