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那里住着一个饭来张口的贵人,它名叫王子。There lived a pampered personage by the name of Prince.

如果你今晚有空,一起吃晚饭来张口怎么样?。If you're free tonight, how about having dinner together?

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再说,一个人如果整天无所作为,饭来张口,没事就躺着睡大觉,长此下去,这个人肯定也会无聊至死的。Additionally, if a man is supplied with food and clothes without worrying about anything, he must feel boring to death.

有许多的孩子在家里是小祖宗,是爸妈的心肝宝贝,真是饭来张口、衣来伸手。There are many children are small fathers at home, parents of darling, is really eat a ready-cooked meal, clothing to hand.

我们虽然小,但也要做到自力更生,更不能依赖父母,做“衣来伸手,饭来张口”的孩子。We although small, but also to achieve self-reliance, more can't depend on their parents, do "YiLaiShenShou, foot" of the child.

但对我们这些衣来伸手饭来张口的孩子们,根本不知道风筝该怎么做,所以我请教了妈妈。But for those of us asking for the rice to mouth clothes to the children who do not know how to do this kite , so I ask his mother.

然而,我们对父母的爱,本不该丢失,但我们习惯了了“衣来伸手,饭来张口”的生活,也就自然而然地,丢失了我们对父母的爱。We love for parents, however, should not have lost, but we used to the life of "clothing to hand, foot", also naturally, lost our love for parents.

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他们虽然也是过着饭来张口,衣来伸手的剥削生活,但他们毕竟都还年轻,受封建思想的毒害不如他们的长辈那样深。Though they are living like parasites , they are young after all and haven't been contaminated by the harmful feudal ideals as badly as their older generations used to.

虽然身处繁华的洛杉矶,饭来张口衣来伸手,还有一张无限额的信用卡,可波比依然像所有的青春期女孩一样,淘气叛逆。While living in downtown Los Angeles, the rice to mouth a hand out clothes, as well as an unlimited credit card, can still like Bobby, like all of the adolescent girls, naughty rebel.

在国外刚刚几个月,我觉得自己真的长大了,我不再是衣来伸手饭来张口的大少爷,我学会了自己做饭,安排自己的学习计划,更懂得关心我身边的朋友。The first few months in a foreign country helped me grow up. I wasn't the little girl who clung to my parents any more. I learned how to cook, how to arrange my time, how to care for my friends.