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他将自己的气质秉性挥洒自如,如行云流水。He swims easily in the stream of his own temperament.

英国广播公司交响乐团演奏起来挥洒自如。The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache.

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他举起笔来挥洒自如的写了三个字。He lifted the brush pen, and wrote three words smoothly.

何时在手,何时放手,挥洒自如实在不易。When be in hand, when go all out, write freely and easily freely really difficult.

在谈吐中灵敏机智,挥洒自如让你做到特别。Sprinkle in good conversation and witty repartee and you are on to something special.

孙耀威玩起摇摇挥洒自如,难怪自夸有「大师级」水准。Eric is so good at playing yo-yo. No wonder he bragged that he had reached the master level.

若陶涛在这样的场合,怕是没办法这样挥洒自如吧!If the pottery big wave is in the location like this, can'ting write freely like this is afraid!

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我真正感到自己在课堂能闲庭信步,挥洒自如,是普通话培训之后。I really feel that they can saunters along in the classroom, could he be after the Putonghua training.

丰富的学识和实际工作经验,使他在创作上融合东、西方音乐的技巧手法挥洒自如,得心应手。Because of his in and abroad experience, his work combine the oreign taste and the western taste as well.

与一般的直立式钢琴相比,回键速度更迅速,合弹奏起节拍较快的曲目时更挥洒自如。A faster speed of repetition than that of conventional piano actions enables for greater precision of interpretation for music repertoires.

他们特别是中国的政治家们又喜出望外地得到了一个新的表演舞台,挥霍着捐款的同时挥洒自如地表现着慈悲和怜悯。They especially Chinese politicians and to get a new performance stage, the donation at the same time with aplomb show compassion and mercy.

她倡导的风格把女性从繁复的装束下解放出来,追求自然纯真,才有了今天的挥洒自如。The style that she initiate female from complicatedly attire the liberation come out and pursue nature purely true, just had write freely of today.

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通过运用这些技巧,你就有能力去请求加薪、卖出货物、处理家庭危机并在社交和生意场上挥洒自如。With these techniques, you will be able to ask for a raise, make a sale, deal with a family crisis, feel comfortable in social and business situations.

三头600须刀繁忙的你总是奔波在路上,而车载剃须刀可以让你忙里偷闲地完成剃须这一每天必做的功课,随时随地,挥洒自如!Busy you always go on the road, and automotive razor allows you to go and complete the shaving every day and do the homework, anytime, anywhere, care about!

部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。The part turned out to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member.

适合演各类少女的角色,演技自然,挥洒自如,她的哭功更是一流,样子甜美,很有日本女明星的气质。Suits all roles of a young teenager, acting skills are natural and with ease. She can also cry impromptu. Very sweet look, with a disposition of a Japanese star.

这一特性让宫崎骏在电影角色,故事情节,美术设计,镜头运用等方面挥洒自如,随心所欲。This characteristic lets Hayao Miyazaki's character, the scenario, the artistic design, aspects, and lens utilization writing with a free pen in the movie in his own way.

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乐队在现场演奏中重视大量的摇滚乐即兴演奏方式,现场表现充满激情,在现场中你能听到每一位乐手充满着想象力,挥洒自如的演奏。The power powder attaches great importance to put loads of improvisation performance in a live. You can feel everyone in the band, their passion and imagination and freely.

那看来挥洒自如的笔触,既凭直觉,亦求精确,在浓厚炭粉的深黑色强化之下,反而宣示著它作为既定可控形体的存在。Here, intuition and precision outline the seemingly uninhibited paint strokes, reinforced with the rich denseness of the black charcoal, announcing its existence as an anticipated and controlled form.