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生活就像棋局,提前想好才会赢。In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

那小男孩在棋局上试手。The little boy tried his hand at chess.

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世事如棋局局新,智慧人的每一步都走出自信心。But the wise advance every step with confidence.

是我迟钝而麻木的眼睛没有洞穿这棋局。Is that because my dull eye can not see through the secret.

直接以左键点选「线上直播」或「线上打谱」正在转播的棋局观看。Left-click on "live" or "Atari" to watch broadcasting matches online.

棋局结束时,国王和卒子都得放回棋盒里。Once the game is over, the King and the pawn go back in the same box.

棋局可以是一个人最喜欢的活动中享有的自由时间。Chess game can be one of favorite activity people enjoys in free time.

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在棋局里,这叫做“被动强制”,唯一可行的走法,就是不走。In Chess, It's Called Zugzwang, when the only viable move, is not to move.

棋局为均势时,若要花太多力量去抢优势是危险的。If the position is equal, then playing too hard for the advantage is risky.

白下的过远,仍是黑必胜棋局,但一开始仍炫惑不少棋友。This is another confusing move. Since White plays too far away, Black wins.

他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between Islam and the west.

对纳博科夫,艺术和生活永远是「充满了错综复杂的魅力和诡计的棋局」。For Nabokov, art and life were always "a game of intricate enchantment and deception".

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在我五子棋生涯早期,我依然记得这些彩色棋子的棋局。From the early days of my renju career, I remember the games with those colored stones.

作为在东方的主宰经济体,中国将会制造或打破亚洲的经济的再平衡棋局。As the dominant economy in the East, China will make or break Asia's rebalancing gambit.

候恩默默地思考着对策,很快就沉浸在奥妙无穷的棋局里。Hearn pondered his responses, and lost himself quickly in the dizzying heights of chess.

所以这一切更像是解一个棋局,我原来从不认为哲学可以成为一种职业。So, that was more like solving chess puzzles, and I couldn't have seen a career on that.

他的头脑非常具有分析能力,以至于生活很容易就成为操纵一场棋局一样的表演。The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip into the manipulation of a chess game.

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如果你是一名严谨的棋手,你可能还会研究国际象棋史上最伟大的棋局If you're a serious chess player, you might study some of the great games of chess history.

在银河系中没人知道贸易联盟只是一场更大棋局的小卒。What no one in the galaxy knew was that the Trade Federation was but a pawn in a much larger game.

他把整个股市看成一场棋局,为了求胜,牺牲个小卒也在所不惜。He just sees the market as a huge chessboard, moving and throwing away pawns to get to the final goal.