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为什麽不买卸妆水呢?Why not buy some makeup remover?

你发现原来还有卸妆水这种东东。And discover micellar water instead.

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这个冷霜卸妆很干净。This cold cream takes off all my make-up.

必须使用卸妆物品卸除。Must be removed with an appropriate makeup solvent.

它可以温和的卸妆并且不会留下那些令人厌恶的油油的残余物。It removes make up gently and leaves no gross oily residue.

作为眼线笔用,色彩保持精彩,而卸妆非常容易。As an eyeliner this has staying power, yet comes off easily.

岂知是卸妆,嫂嫂沐浴的顺序我都知道。Not just your make-up. But also the way you enter your bath.

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卸妆时请配合使用露华浓不脱色眼唇部卸妆乳。Removes gently with Revlon ColorStay Eye& Lip Makeup Remover.

在晚上用一些冷霜卸妆,很容易就将它卸掉了。In the evening with some cold cream cleanser , It came off easy.

露得清卸妆洁面纸巾,补充包,25计数。Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, Refill Pack, 25 Count.

你需要用卸妆药水和眼部清洗油去除你的彩妆。You need to take off your make-up with lotion and eye make-up remover.

上过妆的人,在洗脸前一定要先用清洁霜来彻底卸妆。Who had makeup on in the face to be sure to thoroughly clean cream remover.

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燕窝菁萃卸妆凝冻为什麽在夏天时会比较软?。Why is the bird's nest essence makeup remover gel sometimes softer in summer?

在晚间,卸妆、清洁,使用调肤水后,一次使用一整瓶特效滋养活颜14。Apply one vial of IRS at night after cleansing and toning for 14 consecutive days.

用于洁面和脸部卸妆的一种浓厚的保湿霜状产品。A thick-whipped elegant moisturizing cream for cleansing and facial make-up removal.

取豌豆大小的卸妆膏,用化妆棉拭去日间皮肤堆积的杂质。Apply a pea-sized amount to cotton wool and wipe away daily impurities from the face.

防水、防汗、防敏感、不晕妆、易卸妆。Water proofing, sweat proofing, anti-sensitive, makeup protecting, easy to clean off.

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往事如烟,烟消云散,戏子卸妆,洗尽铅华,依旧是两个人生。The past disappear in smoke, actor, makeup, wash plumbic China, still is the two life.

这是一种温和的、油性的洁面产品和卸妆产品,用最好的油质和维它命制成。A gentle, oil-based cleanser and make-up remover made with the finest oils and vitamins.

在晚间,卸妆、清洁,使用调肤水后,一次使用一整瓶…Apply one bottle of Time Defiance Intensive Repair Serum at night after cleansing and toning.