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在“大姨妈”日的盟军护士们。Allied nurses on their lady-days.

盟军侦查员,吉佐,所罗门群岛,2002。Allied Scout, Gizo, Solomon Islands, 2002

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盟军部队从西面进攻。Allied forces were attacking from the west.

五月7至8日,突尼斯和比塞大被盟军攻占。On May 7-8, Tunis and Bizerte are captured.

盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.

盟军的数学梦之队就这样助他们赢得了二战胜利。And that's how Allied mathletes helped win the war.

战后盟军法庭公布的死亡人数为142000人。A post-war Allied tribunal put the death toll at 142,000.

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在北非的战役中,他率领盟军。He led the Allied forces in the campaign in North Africa.

许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.

不在了,盟军不会有电子干扰器。No, the Allies don't have any Gap Generators in Red Alert 3.

玩家不可以放置超过一个盟军生命值的伤害到其上。Players can't put more than fatal damage on an ally this way.

盟军的空降反坦克炮技能消耗从320人力增加大批350。Allied Paradrop AT-Gun cost increased to 350 manpower from 320.

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但是有迹象表明在巴黎时盟军中存在分歧。But there were signs of disagreement among the allies in Paris.

但是,这次行动以盟军的惨败告终,其伤亡人数高达3千4百人。This operation ended in an Allied defeat with 3,400 casualties.

盟军M10坦克歼击车加速度略微下降。Allied M10 Tank Destroyer acceleration speed slightly decreased.

六月四日,按照原定计划,盟军舰队拔锚出港。On June 4, Allied fleets set off according to the original plan.

1944年8月,盟军部队步步逼近,巴黎人民揭竿而起。In August 1944, with Allied forces closing in, Parisians rose up.

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一个是发现由德国死亡集中营盟军部队。One was the discovery by Allied troops of the German death camps.

他们是更好的保护比在海滩上的盟军部队。They were better protected than the Allied troops on the beaches.

你的核心竞争力是你抵制诱惑的最大盟军。Your core values are your biggest allies in resisting temptation.