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昨天雨一停孩子们就回家了。The children went home yesterday.

停一停!我有话要说。Time out! I have something to say.

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他会去学校,当雪一停。He will go to school when it stops snowing.

停一停,孩子,我只买一双!Hold on, lad, I am going to buy only one pair!

有时应该停一停,等等灵魂。Sometimes , we should wait, wait for the soul.

她这一停使得跟在后头的司机也来了个急刹车。This made the driver following her brake hard.

公共汽车一停,那个男人就下车了。The man dropped off as soon as the bus stopped.

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水泵一停,水马上就向回流。The water regurgitated as soon as the pump stopped.

汽车一停,他就快步走向车门。When the bus stopped, he quickly made for the door.

电一停,全市陷入一片黑暗。The electricity failed and the whole city was blacked out.

电一停,我们努力全付诸流水。All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out.

但是我想到了这个,可能应该停一停了。But I think at this point, it's probably a good place to stop.

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他或者她会停一停,然后笑笑告诉你,“感觉棒极了!" He or she will pause, then smile and tell you, "It is great!

公共汽车一停,就有五十来个人想往里挤。As soon as the bus stopped, about fifty people tried to crush in.

公共汽车一停住,五十多人马上一齐往上挤。As soon as the bus stopped, more than fifty people tried to crush in.

人们最好还是停一停,好好地想一想自己所负的新责任。They would do well to pause and ponder upon eir new responsibilities.

你能否给他们打电话,告诉他们雨一停我们就出发。Will you call them up and tell them we'll start as soon as the rain stops?

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灯泡一刻一停地闪烁着,就像失去了控制的红绿灯。These lights flickered continuously like traffic light which have gone mad.

很少人在小河饮水时,会停一停,想想河的源流在哪里。Few men, drinking at a rivulet , stopped to consider its source. --- Topper.

你说的药膏我也用过,只是用上就好,一停就又复发了。You said I used the ointment, just enough to use, one stop on again recurred.