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三思而行是一个很通俗的说法。"Look before you leap" is a familiar expression.

但是,各位绅士,我劝这位珀尔修斯先生三思而行。Sir, I hope that Perseus should think better of it.

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对此有一个明显反驳,但使用之前要三思而行。There is an obvious retort to this, but one should be wary about making it.

请三思而行。不要干任何有害于自己前途的傻事。Please look before you leap. Don't do anything foolish to jeopardize your future.

阿里认为,这种做法势必给公众的健康带来风险,因此,对于财政补贴,各国政府还需要三思而行。Ali says these practices put fiscal health at risk, so governments need to rethink them.

传统依然存在,而且诱惑总是在那儿等着,不过现在人们会三思而行。The tradition still exists and the temptation is always there, but people think twice now.

他们想把更多的垃圾卖给美国人。请三思而行和看看你都买了什么。They want to sell more crap to Americans. Think twice andlook at what you purchase. PLEASE.

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因此,当你脑子幻想着哈根达斯的时候,不需要三思而行,脑子里再虚构个勺子就行了。So when visions of Haagen-Daz dance through your head, don’t think twice. Just pull up an imaginary spoon.

这是非常危险的行业,尤其是在这个时候。万一失败了,你就要破产了,我劝你三思而行。This is a very risky business, especially at a time like this. If it fails, you will go broke. Think twice.

毛的决定则是意在迫使苏联武力对抗中国之前做到三思而行。Mao's decision had been for a move that might force the Soviets to hesitate before taking on China militarily.

聪明人知道忙中有错,沉默是金,所以凡事应三思而行。Wise people know that haste makes waste, that silence is golden, and that it is better to look before you leap.

这是一个常识因素,我觉得如果在巨无霸汉堡外贴上540卡的标签会让人们购买时三思而行。There is the common sense factor. I think seeing 540 calories listed beside a Big Mac might make people think twice.

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当前,就业市场充满了不确定因素。因此,那些拥有稳定报酬的幸运儿们在收工之前通常都会三思而行。In an uncertain job market, fortunate people with steady paying gigs often think twice before shutting down for the day.

图片有些发布过,有些没有,但请看看他们,并在点燃下支香烟前三思而行。Some of which have been publicized and others not, but have a look at them and think twice before you light up your next cigarette.

格鲁吉亚国家安全主任亚历山大。卢马亚认为,国际社会这样的反应可以迫使莫斯科对其所做所为三思而行。National Security Director Alexander Lumaya says this kind of international response could force Moscow to think twice about its actions.

我回信让他三思而行,请他在准备献身这么严肃的工作之前,再体验体验自由。I wrote him back, asking him to wait a bit, urging him to experience more of his freedom before committing himself to something so serious.

这就是你错误地管理你的资产负债所会发生的事--客户寻找三思而行的人管理他们的资金。That's what happens when you so thoroughly mismanage your own balance sheet -- clients looking for somebody to manage their money think twice.

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因此,这两个超级大国主要把核武器视作一种威慑,使对方在发动战争时三思而行。As a result, both superpowers came to view nuclear weapons principally as a deterrent that would give each side second thoughts about going to war.

因此,当你脑子幻想着哈根达斯的时候,不需要三思而行,脑子里再虚构个勺子就行了。还有没必要吝啬对热软糖的幻想。So when visions of Haagen-Daz dance through your head, don't think twice. Just pull up an imaginary spoon. And don't skimp on the fantasy hot fudge.

你不必做一个极简主义者,但必须在存储东西方面花些心思,或许还要在买新的东西之前三思而行。You don't have to be a minimalist, but you have to get really creative where you store your things and maybe think twice about buying something new.