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它是否被编码过?How is it encoded?

但是在云中存在编码吗?But coding in the cloud?

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但是ASCII仅是一种编码。But ASCII is just a code.

可变速率编码?。VRC? Variable Rate Coding?

视频充分地重新编码。Video is fully re-encoded.

#以JSON格式编码数据。Encode the data in JSON format.

然而,这些全部是编码的。However, these are all encoded.

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字码页编码方式支援。Encoding Support for Code Pages.

不要在代码中硬编码字符串。Never hard-code strings in code.

颜色编码电路指示。Colour coded circuit designation.

当你的编码将你打回,听着Listen when your code pushes back

汉字编码方法。Code scheme for Chinese character.

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选择所需的编码方法。Select the desired encoding method.

参见编码链。Sense strand --- See coding strand.

它还定义了所使用的编码。It also defines the encoding to use.

不要在代码中硬编码字符串Never hard-code strings in your code

你了解“邮拯编码”和“长途区号码”吗?Do you know"zip code "and "area code"?

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消除了基于浏览器的编码Elimination of browser-specific coding

在编码时我会把它做为一个布尔值。I’ll treat it as a Boolean in my code.

他们编码、设计、上传,然后忘记。They code, design, upload, and forget.