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老年人动脉硬化可以吃什么水果呢?What fruit can old people arteriosclerosis eat?

牙龈问题增加动脉硬化的风险。Gum problems increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

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别满足于普通的抗动脉硬化技术!Don’t settle for run-of-the-mill plaque-fighting technology!

动脉硬化性脑梗死属神经内科常见病、多发病。Atherothrombotic brain infarction was common, multiple neurologic disease.

此外,它还有助于降低胆固醇和减缓动脉硬化。It is also helpful with lowering cholesterol and slow hardening of arteries.

如果你够不到脚趾,动脉硬化的风险就有可能增加。If you can't reach your toes, you may be at increased risk for arterial stiffness.

低胆固醇含量有助于阻止动脉硬化。They lower cholesterol and are recommended for prevention against atherosclerosis.

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结论玄参提取物可通过抗炎和降血脂而发挥一定的抗动脉硬化的作用。The mechanism may be related with inhibiting inflammation and lowering serum lipid.

氧化修饰则从各个方面削弱高密度脂蛋白的抗动脉硬化效应。Whereas the oxidative modification of HDL may impair its anti atherogenic function.

你在研究老年痴呆症和动脉硬化时可以用该基因组进行核对。You can check against it if you're doing research into Alzheimer's or atherosclerosis.

比利时研究人员认为,长期使用口服避孕药可能导致动脉硬化。Long-term use might lead to hardening of the arteries, according to Belgian researchers.

最后,每天减少盐的摄入量,可以减小动脉硬化的危险。Finally, lower your daily intake of salt, which will minimize your risk of arteriosclerosis.

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然而心-踝血管指数是一项新的动脉硬化评价指标,其表示固有动脉硬化程度。The cardio-ankle vascular index in turn represents a new index for evaluating arteriosclerosis.

而ABI和PWV均可作为评估CKD患者动脉硬化程度的重要临床指标。ABI and PWV can be used as important clinical indicators of atherosclerosis in patients with CKD.

有动脉硬化症状的血管壁在超声波检查中的结果会显示比较厚。Artery walls look thicker on an ultrasound if they are damaged by the process of atherosclerosis.

目的探讨角膜老年环与血脂及动脉硬化的关系。Objective To assess the relationship between cornea arcus senilis and blood fat & arteriosclerosis.

目的了解踝臂指数与动脉硬化及其危险因素的关系。Aim To study the relationship of ankle brachial index, atherosclerosis and conventional risk factors.

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卵磷脂有助于减轻常影响大脑功能的动脉硬化问题。Lecithin helps ease the problem of the hardening of the arteries, which often impairs brain functioning.

目的研究下肢动脉硬化性闭塞症介入治疗的护理方法。Objective To study the nursing measures for the interventional therapy of arteriosclerotic obliteration.

经常饮用柿叶茶可以有效降低血压,治疗动脉硬化。Frequently drinking persimmon leaf tea can help lower blood pressure and treat hardening of the arteries.