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上帝啊,我会对你服服帖帖。I'll be good, God.

那男孩给吓得服服帖帖。The boy was frightened into obedience.

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吉姆的母亲总有办法把他管得服服帖帖的。Jim's mother can always have him under foot.

这男孩任性得很,不过用纪律约束他会服服帖帖的。The boy is wayward, but he'll knuckl down under discipline.

“他可知道如何把狗制得服服帖帖的,”墙上的一个人说。He knows how to teach a dog a lesson, ' said one of the men on the wall.

虽然他很固执,难对付,可他老婆却能把他管得服服帖帖的。Although he was stubborn and unmanageable, his wife could have him on a hook.

在月底,俱乐部领导人把几个难管的青年搞得服服帖帖。At the end of a month club leader had the unruly youths eating out of his hand.

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过了一个月,俱乐部的领导人把几个难驾奴的的年轻人搞的服服帖帖的。At the end of a month, club leader had the unruly youths eating out of their hands.

他总是清楚女人对婚姻的渴望。这么简单一句,就把她收的服服帖帖的。He always knew the woman to get married. This simple sentence, put her to collect his place with.

幸好,只要了解使头发竖立的科学原理,就有办法让头发服服帖帖。Fortunately, we can force our hair to stay down by understanding the science that makes it stand up.

但是,总体上,记者们并未变得服服帖帖地远离政治、追求轰动效应和新鲜活泼的小道传闻。Overall, reporters hadn’t gone soft. Away from politics, sensationalism and gossip were alive and well.

意思是“像软弱的公鸡经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤,男子慑于女性的淫威,表现得服服帖帖”。Means " often be pecked by strong hen like weak cock, man fear the despotic power at the female, expression must take docile note ".

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剧毒异蛇被拔掉毒牙后,在参展商手中变得服服帖帖。异蛇鞭酒的“形象代言蛇”,吸引了众多市民驻足观看。With its fangs pulled out, the venomous snake is extraordinarily docile in the exhibitor's hands. The special "wine promotion ambassador" has attracted many citizens.