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他向女王躬身行礼。He bowed down to the Queen.

安塔芮丝人卫兵向他鞠躬行礼。The Antarian guard bowed low.

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她东家行礼、西家打躬。She bowed his bow, hezekiah play.

卫兵非常精神地向将军行礼。The guard saluted the general smartly.

我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。We salute the flag everyday at school.

军乐鸣奏,卫兵行礼。Military bands played. Soldiers saluted.

我们在学校每周一向国旗行礼。We salute the flag every Monday at school.

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迎面忽然过来一中年男子抢走了艾米的行礼箱。Head suddenly come to a man robbed Amys salute box.

波仑日行礼,站在门口听侯命令。Poulengey salutes, and stands at the door awaiting orders.

升国旗,奏国歌,全体行礼。Raise the national flag. Play the national anthem. Salute!

她有时碰见父亲,她父亲总向她行礼。She met her father from time to time, and he bowed to her.

国王进来时,宫廷里所有人都向他躬身行礼。All the men in the court bowed before the king as he entered.

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而你们的几捆则过来站在它周围对它鞠躬行礼。And all your sheaves came around it and bowed down to my sheaf.

他有一天回家来说,我不再向国旗行礼了。The next day Bill came home and said, I stopped saluting the flag.

他们是第一对使用新敬拜中心行礼的新人!They are the first couple to use the new Worship Center for wedding!

我感到,如果我不向国旗行礼,我就毁了这一切!And I felt that, Oh, if I stop saluting the flag, I will blow all this!

迪卡尼奥可以认为他在向他的支持者行礼,但我们不在其内。Di Canio may think he's saluting his people, but that does not include us.

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现在我们明白,行礼是动作加言词。These days, we realize that the salute itself is the motions and the words.

当夜幕降临后,家家在堂屋里摆上准备好的祭品,行礼。When night falls, the family was put in the hall ready room offerings, salute.

之后屈膝礼被视为一种宫廷礼节并且要求行礼时深且精细。It may then be referred to as a court curtsey and is often especially deep and elaborate.