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他的步伐开始减慢。His pace began to remit.

当时你的步伐是怎样的?What was your pace then?

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你的生活步伐是怎样的?What is your pace in life?

她步伐不稳地走开了。She walked away unsteadily.

我们必须加快步伐。We have to quicken our pace.

他们是怎样调整步伐的?How do they pace their steps?

怀疑永远是拖着沉重的步伐。Doubts drag the stickiest steps.

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狼步伐稳定不变。TheD-wolves did not change pace.

最后一名士兵的步伐不齐。The last soldier was out of steps.

但是,研究将紧跟市场步伐。But research will follow the market.

开设新馆的步伐已经放慢。The pace of new openings has slowed.

这匹马以缓慢的步伐走着。The horse was moving at a slack pace.

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而汉语应该继续迈开成长的步伐。Yet Mandarin ought to continue to grow.

人民币升值的步伐不会停顿下来。Yuan appreciation won't grind to a halt.

你喜欢什么样的绩效丈量步伐?How do you prefer to measure performance?

其他人也已经紧跟苹果的步伐。Others have followed in Apple’s footsteps.

而今年,跟任何一年一样,都是迈出新步伐的好时机。And this year is as good as any to do that.

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“当然可以,”我笑起来,减下步伐,慢慢地走。"Sure. " I laugh, slowing to an easy amble.

虽然我们步伐缓慢艰困Upward He leads us, though our steps be slow

年轻人总是紧跟时代的步伐。Young people always keep abreast of the times.