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百家争鸣。A hundred schools of thought contend.

“百花齐放,百家争鸣”是指导中国文学的一条语录。Contend is a slogan guiding China's literature.

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当今是开放的时代,“百家争鸣、百花齐放”的时代。Today is the era of open, "schools, schools" era.

现在正是百家争鸣,百花齐放的时期。It's a highly creative period, and now is the time for ideas.

15世纪初,意大利的佛罗伦萨城是一个艺术创作百家争鸣之地。In the early 1400s, Florence, Italy was a hotbed of artistic competition.

东周时期也被指定为一个时期的百家争鸣。The Eastern Zhou period is also designated as a period of a hundred schools.

百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针。Abundant varieties and competence enhance the development in the arts and science.

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百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针。Flourishing and contending is the policy to promote art development and science progress.

理论界对模块化的研究百家争鸣,表明模块化及模块化生产网络存在丰富的二重属性。There has been a lot of discussion on modularity, which shows the dualism of modular production network.

由于立法的不明确,在理解“因逃逸致人死亡”的问题上,众说纷纭,可谓百家争鸣。" Because legislation is indeterminate , on understanding of "fleeing causes one's death", opinions vary.

朝鲜不承认北方限界线,百家争鸣,它应该重新绘制的父亲南。North Korea does not recognize the Northern Limit Line, contending that it should be re-drawn father south.

中国的互联网由于能允许百家争鸣,从而点燃了一场革命。The Internet has ignited a revolution in China's publishing industry by allowing a diversity of voices to bloom.

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这一时期出现了诸子百家“百花齐放”、“百家争鸣”的学术局面,并构成了中华文明的精华和基础。However, it was also a splendid period that "let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thoughts contend".

其它地儿咱们好像可以畅所欲言,百花齐放,百家争鸣,热闹得很。Elsewhere, we seem to be able to speak our minds. The different styles and flow of ideas make it much more lively.

让我们将这种不朽的智慧应用到今天的工作中,在百家争鸣的思想中,找到行动上的统一性。Let us apply this enduring wisdom to our work today. Out of the competition of ideas, let us find unity in action.

百花齐放,百家争鸣这一方针极大地推动了学术研究工作。The policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools contend has greatly stimulated academic research.

在公元前五世纪的雅典,随着伯罗奔尼撒战争的爆发,民主奉行,百家争鸣。Democracy got going, and conversation buzzed, in Athens in the fifth century BC, with the Peloponnesian war raging outside.

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百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针。Encouraging blossoming and contending of all ,which is the guide line for improving art development and science improvement.

荀子在百家争鸣中确立的性恶论成为其礼法思想的理论基础。On the other hand, during the contention of a hundred schools of thought, Mengzi proposes that the human nature is born kind.

百花齐放,百家争鸣,这是促进艺术发展和科学进步的方针。Hundreds of flowers blossom and hundreds of thoughts contending, which is the method to promote arts and technology development.