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梦音好,你可以回到驻地了。Alright , you may return to station.

驻地的小姑娘水莲还主动当起了说客。Home of the little girl water lotus also served as lobbyists.

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突然间想起了两位驻地工程师的重托。I suddenly remembered the two resident engineers' great trust.

在这个驻地,你可以看到有趣的布列斯特要塞堡垒。In this post you may see interesting forts of the Brest fortress.

乡政府驻地北滩村,海拔1806米。North Village resident township government, elevation 1806 meters.

辖区内有社区居委会21个,驻地单位130余个。Area residents have a community of 21, more than 130 resident units.

她们看到了有顶的大型体育场,是几支著名篮球队的驻地。They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams.

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陈德财被背回驻地,林杰森让人不要叫醒他。Chen Decai was back to the station, Lin Jason let people don't wake him.

玛西在驻地里面点燃了一个露营的丙烷加热器,但还是很冷。Marcy lights a propane camp heater inside the stand, but it's still cold.

如今,芬兰派往不同国家的维和部队也都会在驻地修建桑拿房。Today’s Finnish peacekeepers build saunas in every camp they are deployed.

瑞安市人民政府驻地安阳街道万松东路154号。Anyang Street, Ruian City People's Government of the resident Wansong East 154.

我们参观了加顶的大型运动场,那是几支著名的篮球队的驻地。We visited the covered stadium, which is the home of the famous basketball team.

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在大英帝国期间,这是一个军队驻地,至今还有巨大的军营。During the British empire, it was a garrison and still has a large army cantonment.

白云区党委、政府驻地在景泰街广园中路。Baiyun district party committee and government resident in Jingtai Street-Park Road.

反过来,阿帕切人袭击西班牙人的驻地,盗走他们的牲口,马匹和武器。The Apaches, in turn, raided Spanish settlements and stole cattle, horses and weapons.

全区划分成11个行政驻地军分区和1个镇。The whole district is divided administratively into 11 resident subdistricts and 1 town.

溺爱孙子的老奶奶骑了一条毛驴,追到游击队驻地来找人。A doting grandmother harnessed a donkey, pursued the boy and rode to guerrilla headquarters.

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崇明全岛同时是亚安军各部队的永久驻地和后勤基地。The whole island will also serve as a permanent station and rear-supply base for ASA troops.

NG出生于法国,作为驻地艺术家来到中国已有两个月。NG was born in France. She has been working as an artist-in-residency in China for two months.

李说,那是机要地区,县委驻地也在此处。That area also houses the Communist Party committee building, which was almost gutted, Li said.