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讨论了维文手写输入法的基本研究与实现。This paper introduces the foundation of Uyghur handwriting input method, and its implementations.

本文主要陈述笔式维文输入电子文稿编辑器的研究情况。This paper is to state the technical research circumstance of electronic text editor of writing style.

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本文主要陈述笔式维文输入电子文稿编辑器的研究情况。This paper is main to state the technical research circumstance of electronic text editor of writing style.

因为阿拉伯文字母自身书写的特点,造成维文文本的切割和识别极其困难。As a cursive script and other characteristics, it is very difficult to do text segmentation and recognition.

“有很多人提倡说‘新’式英语,”一位政府官员维文·巴拉科瑞斯南在星期二的一次演讲中说。The government Tuesday revived a decade-long drive to get Singaporeans to speak grammatically correct English.

现在我已经是华维文澜小学四年级的学生了,我努力学习各门功课,在众多的功课中我最喜欢英语了。Among all the subjects, I like English best. I know it is not easy to learn English well, there is a long way to go.

“有很多人提倡说‘新’式英语,”一位政府官员维文·巴拉科瑞斯南在星期二的一次演讲中说。"There are many people who champion 'Speak Singlish,'" Vivian Balakrishnan, a government minister, said in a speech Tuesday.

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第二阶段介绍了雨果。维文扮演的邪恶的红骷髅,以及他追求仙宫的生命之树的能量。A second sequence introduced Hugo Weaving as the villainous Red Skull and his pursuit of the powers of Asgard's tree of life.

本文讨论了使用Jni技术对本地维文代码转换方法的调用。In this paper , JNI is presented , and the implementation of native Uyghur code converting method with JNI is well discussed.

其实迈克尔·贝觉得对于影片中出现的威震天来说,弗兰克的声音明显不够厚重,于是就让雨果·维文接替这一任务了。Michael Bay also felt his voice was too light for Megatron's new beastly look, and so Hugo Weaving took the role of Megatron.

“有很多人提倡说‘新’式英语,”一位政府官员维文·巴拉科瑞斯南在星期二的一次演讲中说。"There are many people who champion 'Speak Singlish, '" Vivian Balakrishnan, a government minister, said in a speech Tuesday.

并说明在笔式维文输入电子文稿编辑器的运行情况和实验结果。Instructed the result of the experimentation and running course of the Entering Electronic Text and Writing Style Editor of Uyghur Language.

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因此,本系统的广泛应用可以实现对维文互联网的搜寻,包括国内维文互联网网站和国外的互联网网站。So, the wide application of this system can be realized to searching Uighur Internet, including websites of Internet at home and foreign website of Internet.

一些演员愿意免费在矩阵的续集里演出,维文却常说这片子沉闷,它用了太多的蓝屏视觉效果。Some actors would work for nothing to be in The Matrix sequels, though Weaving says much of the filming was tedious as it was against a visual-effects blue screen.

象将大伟、阎维文、彭丽媛、宋祖英就是当今民族唱法的优秀代表。The elephant is the excellent representative whom the race sing a method nowadays big beautiful Yuan, the English of Sung Zu of the Wei, the text of Yan Wei, Peng.

进而以二维平面有界粘性流和一维文杜利管流的数值计算为例,简述了空度概念和方法的实际应用。Atwo-dimensional plane confined viscous flow and one-dimensional Venturi floware taken as examples to illustrate the application of porosity in numerical predictions.

实验结果表明,PKNN算法可以明显提高KNN算法的效率,PKNN算法的原理决定其适合大容量高维文本分类。Results of the experiment indicated the PKNN enhance efficiency of text classification, and the PKNN is especially effective in large high-dimensional text categorization.

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他的父母是英国人,但把他生在了尼日利亚,维文的童年在南非,英国和澳大利亚度过。他在诺克斯语法学校发现了戏剧这个东西然后在NIDA得到了进一步的训练。Born in Nigeria to British parents, Weaving spent his childhood in South Africa, England and Australia. He discovered drama at Knox Grammar School and continued his training at NIDA.

引入多维文档模型来组织论坛消息的描述性特征和语义性特征,并在多维索引的基础上,提出了加窗分析技术。This paper introduces multi-dimension document model to organize syntax and semantics characters of messages, and based on multi-dimension index, proposes the technology of adding-windows analysis.

看回教经典时是维文,看火车时刻表时却是汉字,不知道这样的交错,有没有造成他们的学习负担。Does the mixture of seeing the Uighur script used for their Islamic religious writings and the Chinese characters used on the train schedules create a burden for them in learning, it may be wondered.