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鲁迅与胡适是新文学的开创者与奠基人。Luxun and Hushi are explorer and founder of Chinese modem literature.

鲁迅与胡适是新文学的开创者与奠基人。Luxun and Hushi are explorer and founder of Chinese modern literature.

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二是茅盾对新文学服务对象的新认识。This essay included Mao Duns new cognition about New literature serving target.

第四章分析了开明的成功之因,评价了开明的新文学地位。The forth chapter is about the reason of its success and its statue in modern literature.

陈学昭是新文学运动中成长起来却鲜为人知的女作家。Chen Xueshao is an obscure woman write who found herself during the New Cultural Movement.

因此,中国新文学的母体不在西方,而在中国本土。Zhou Lunyou, the poet, about his view that New Chinese Literatures matrix exists in the west.

而追溯新文学大众传统形成的渊源时,武汉抗战无疑应是一个重要的考察对象。When we review the formation of commonalty tradition, Wuhan Defense should be a importment object.

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感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。Sentimentality was the spiritual birthmark of the new literature of the May Fourth Movement Period.

冯至创作柔美风格的形成是他对中国新文学的重要贡献之一。Therefore, his euphemistic style has been one of his great contributions to Chinese new literature.

周作人是中国新文学理论的奠基人,同时又是中国现代民俗学的拓荒者。Zhou Zuoren is not only the founder of Chinese new literature, but also the pioneer of modem folklore.

新文学运动的美学精神,使新诗成为求实的艺术。On the other hand, the aesthetic spirit of New Culture Movement made modern Chinese poetry a factualistic art.

第三章论述了开明出版的书籍对新文学发展作出的贡献。The third chapter dissertate that what the books Kaiming Bookstore published contributes to modern literature.

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在通俗性的倡导方面,通俗作家比新文学家有明显的进步。With regard to the advocating popular culture, popular writers did obviously better than New Literature writers.

五四新文学是在外国文学影响下诞生、成长和发展起来的,这是不争的事实。It is indisputable that the May Fourth new literature was born and grew under the influence of foreign literature.

中国现代知识分子的精神痛苦,赋予了中国新文学作家内向的反省与忏悔意识。The bitterness in the spirit of the modern intellectuals gave the writers inner-exam and confession consciousness.

探讨周立波的理想主义与新文学精神及其“茶子花派”文学传统的赓续与超越。It is necessary to go forward with more and great strides for idealism, new creative spirits and literature tradition.

另一方面,新文学内部也开始由雅向俗的悄然实践,表现出多种走向。May 4th new literature interior also start quietly practice from elegance to vulgarity and produce variety performance.

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五四时期的新文学是包括“儿童”的发现和儿童文学的发现在内的。Durning the May Fourth Movement, new literature included the discovery of child and the discovery of children literature.

新月派的戏剧理论观在中国新文学的戏剧美学建设方面是独树一帜的。New Crescent dramatic theory has its own peculiarities in the dramatic aesthetics construction of China's new literature.

透过五四新文化运动重要一翼的五四新文学运动,可以发现其中的联系,尽管这种联系是不明显和不自觉的。Through the new Literature movement of May Fourth we can find out their relation though it is unobservable and unobvious.