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没有你在,我的心只能空空如也。I need you , O I love U.

现在,整间屋子就空空如也了。The room is now completely bare.

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河岸上空空如也,我仍独自一人On the bare river-bank, I remain alone

发现其中空空如也时,她把手缩回来。Finding nothing there, she withdrew it.

地狱空空如也,而所有的恶魔妖魅皆在此。Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.

我看着他面前空空如也的桌面。I looked at the empty table in front of him.

最终,他们的房间几乎空空如也。Eventually their rooms would be almost empty.

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朝双臂看去,却是空空如也Glancing down at my arms, I don't see any arms.

他的手推车空空如也,里面没有一顶帽子。His barrow was empty. There were no hats in it.

郑州新区的高层住宅楼-空空如也Zhengzhou New District residential towers -- EMPTY

如若无我,大地将空空如也、死气沉沉,宛如月亮一般苍凉!Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon!

悲观主义者注意到,房子九中有一还是空空如也。Pessimists note that one home in nine is still empty.

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他透过窗户看到里面空空如也。Through the windows, he could see the empty interiors.

我的外甥乔治有一个存钱罐,可里面老是空空如也。My nephew,George,has a money box but it is always empty.

你已经厌倦了杀戮。你内心空空如也。You are tired of all the killings. You feel empty inside.

但是,当他们到达那儿,找到那个罐子时,却发现里面空空如也。When they got there, they found the jar, but it was empty.

底特律市罗穆卢斯郊区,一条安静的街道旁,一栋空空如也的房子。ON A quiet street in Romulus, a suburb of Detroit, is an empty house.

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为了优先得到救济粮,大多数日子,难民的茅草屋都空空如也。On most days, refugee huts are vacant as the hunt begins for food aid.

我头脑空空如也,进进出出的都是那些映像的片断。My mind remains idle, with only fragments of images drifting in and out.

让我们一同看看芙莱莎是如何讲空空如也的房间变成风趣的丛林卧室吧!Let's see how FLEXA change a empty boring room into a funny jungle bedroom!