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我们很少能直来直去。We can seldom go erect.

我算是相当直来直去的人。I am a pretty straight sort of guy.

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他这个人说话一向直来直去。He has always been a straight talker.

但是洪博培更适应直来直去的方式。But Mr Huntsman was apt to do some straight-talking of his own.

尽管在那儿干了30多年,她与职工之间依然直来直去,有时也刺儿你一下,我就喜欢她的那种性格。She'd been there 30 years but was still a gadfly . I loved that.

导航需要的是直观,描述的清晰,直来直去。Navigation needs to be intuitive, descriptive and straightforward.

瞧,他们就是这样喜欢直来直去,毫不掩饰地表达自己的情感。Look, they are so like to go straight, no secret to express their feelings.

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此时应该做的事情用一句话来形容,就是“直来直去”――只有倒车下山才是可取的。Yep, what goes straight up, must come straight down. Only this time, backwards.

直来直去,不要暗示,不要绕弯子,也别打哑谜,男人没那么细腻。Straight up. No hints, no insinuations, no clever allusions. Men don't do subtle.

很少有角色或者角色身上某个部位的运动是直来直去的。It is very seldom that a character or part of a character moves in a straight line.

她极有震慑力,说话直来直去,还总是一副咄咄逼人的样子——她就是一个你不想去招惹的人。She was incredibly intimidating, outspoken, and aggressive—a person you didn't want to cross.

若座位远离转向盘,则手臂几乎伸直,撞车时直来直去的手臂很容易折断。If seat away from the steering wheel, the arm unbend, almost crash straight arm is easy to break.

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我还以为它像第五大街那样直来直去——而且所有的十字路都有编号!I thought it so straight up and down-- like Fifth Avenue. And with all the cross streets numbered!

我接触过很多青少年,他们似乎具有一种与生俱来的“自动废话探测器”,说话喜欢直来直去。I work a lot with adolescents, who have ‘automatic shit detectors’ and tend to appreciate frankness.

Miles的音乐让你领略到常规的直来直去的流行音乐不能给予的。The musician's musician, Miles will take you to places that regular straight-up-and-down pop music can't.

从你给我看的录象来看,我发现参加你们比赛的很多人的步法只会直来直去,而无区域性步法变化。From the videos you sent, I can see that many of your members fight very linearly without zoning footwork.

另一种鲨鱼,长尾鲨同样能够像虎鲨那样“直来直去”,但是活动区域较小。A third species, thresher sharks, also showed "directed walking" like the tigers, but on much smaller scales.

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男人对性的看法,简单得直来直去,确切地说,根本就是虚荣和饥渴的混合体。Men have a perversely simple sexual agenda that can best be described as an overwhelming blend of vanity and urgency.

“公开跟你讲,我觉得你很讨厌。”为什么我们几乎听不到人们会这样非常直来直去的讲话呢?Text A The Importance of Being Kind and Polite "Frankly, I think you're boring. " Why do we seldom hear people speak so honestly?

西方人一般喜欢直来直去,所以在被介绍时,要直视对方。Westerners generally admire directness and thus when being introduce to another, a person will look directly at the other person.