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开县温泉镇井盐生产历史悠久,源远流长。Wunquan town of Kaixian county has a long history of well salt production.

西南地区所产井盐流通范围局限在西南地区。The market of well salt produced in the southwest confined in the southwest.

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从事井盐生产的人户主要称为“灶户”。" Well salt production of households who engaged in the main referred to as "kitchen household.

而另一个典型的麻辣地带是四川盛产井盐&“恐龙”的自贡。In addition, another typical hot and spicy food is in Zigong that is famous for well salt & dinosaurs.

自贡市盐业历史博物馆收藏有一大批反映中国传统井盐生产的铁质文物,但其锈蚀相当严重。A great quantities of chinese traditional well salt iron relic have been well protected in Zigong Salt History Musuem.

其功能是将落入井内的器物,用不同的工具巧妙地打捞起来,以恢复凿井和井盐生产。Its function is fishing out the fallen objects from the wells in order to resume well digging or well salt production.

自贡因盛产井盐而享有“盐都”美誉,自贡盐业在中国盐业史上占有极其重要的地位。Zigong is well-known as the Salt City for well salt, and it holds a vital post in the history of Chinese salt industry.

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井盐,恐龙和彩灯是这个城市魅力所在,它们记录着自贡悠久的历史。Well salt, dinosaur, and color lanterns are the highlights of the city. They are the records of Zigong's time-honored history.

城市文化与精神的积淀与彰显相辅相成,辨证统一,这是今天研究井盐文化,弘扬城市精神所应该充分认识的一个历史与现实。City culture and spirit are auxiliary to each other, which is import to research on well salt culture and to develop city spirit.

盐膏层钻井,特别是深井盐膏层和复合盐层钻井,是一个世界级的钻井技术难题。Drilling through carbonate formations, especially in deep wells and in complicated formations bearing salt is a worldwide problem.

根据事物发展的规律,井盐生产之前还有一段漫长的被历史尘封而鲜为人知的自然盐泉采集和生产史。Acording to the rule of thing, there was still a long history of gathering brine, that was ignored by man, before well salt production.

深井盐膏层钻井施工风险极大,常会引起卡钻和套管损坏,影响安全钻井。Drillpipe sticking and easing damage are caused during drilling through deep salt-gypsum beds and have negative elect on safety drilling.

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室内试验和现场应用表明高温抗盐水泥浆体系能满足塔河油田深井盐膏层的固井要求。Lab tests and field applications show that the cement slurry systems can meet demands for deep salt-gypsum beds cementing in Tahe Oilfield.

在深井盐层中进行侧钻困难较大,膏盐层的蠕动、缩径、垮塌等不稳定性是侧钻的最大障碍。It's difficult to sidetrack in the deep well in salt bed, especially the creeping of the gypsum-salt bed, hole diameter reduction and collapsion etc.

盛产井盐的长江三峡地区,在东汉及至南北朝时期,已逐渐成为廪君、瓠后裔与汉人交相杂居的地带。In ancient China, the Three Gorges area rich in well salt became an area inhabited by the minority descendents of Linjun and Panhu and the Han people.

井盐文化是井盐业兴起、发展过程中逐步形成的区别于其他地域文化和行业文化一种文化形态,有着丰富的内涵与特定的品质。Different from the cultures in other fields and industrial culture, well salt culture, rose and developed with rich connotation and special characteristics.

唐代西南地区的井盐经济独具特色,其生产、销售与本区域社会经济密切相关,影响到社会生活的方方面面。In Tang Dynasty, salt economic of southwest region is characteristic, its production and sales is closely related to the regional socioeconomic, affecting all aspects of social life.

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沙隆达盐矿通过十多年盐井开采探索与总结,逐步形成了对盐井盐结晶解堵和防堵规律的认识。With over ten years of exploration and summarization in salt well exploitation, Shalongda Salt Mine has gradually accumulated rules of eliminating and preventing pipe plugging by salt crystal.

在深井盐层中进行侧钻困难较大,膏盐层的蠕动、缩径、垮塌等不稳定性是侧钻的最大障碍。It's difficult to sidetrack in the deep well in salt bed, especially the creeping of the gypsum-salt bed, hole diameter reduction and collapsion etc. are the biggest barriers for sidetrack drilling.