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它是一种无创伤非药物性绿色的自然疗法。It is a green naturopathy without insult and drugs.

进一步的信息,请参考我们的物性表,或与我们联系。For further details please refer to our data sheets or contact us.

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蝴蝶和飞蛾保留着生物性转化的记忆。Butterfly and Moth hold the remembrance of biological transmutation.

在一个生物性水平上,酢浆草协助了细胞通讯。Upon a biological level, Sorrel assists with cellular communication.

为预测耐火纤维材料的热物性探索了一条新方法。So it can be used to predict thermal properties of refractory fibers.

各种物性参数均遵循近似椭圆规律变化。All the above physical parameters conform the approximate ellipse law.

生物性上他们就非常接近我们,特别是大脑几乎和我们一样。Biologically, they're so close to us. Their brain is almost identical.

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所怜物性伤,非惜年芳绝。The pity for the physical injury, non-aromatic absolutely cherish years.

对扇砾岩储层岩石学特征及物性特征进行了分析。The petrology feature and reservoir property of fanglomerate are analyzed.

这些及物性特教反映了政治新闻这种文体特定的语场和语旨。These features are the reflection of given field and tenor of political news.

后期的成岩作用改善了局部层段的储层物性。Diagenesis in the later period partly improved the petrophysics of some strata.

在学校和其它餐饮计划中添加多种植物性食物的选则。Provide a variety of plant-based options at schools and other feeding programs.

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中药的药物性肝损害是中医药界研究的热点问题。Herbal drug-induced liver injury is a hot issue in the fi eld of TCM researches.

本文对不同坩埚热物性组合时计算得到的结果进行了比较。The combinations of crucibles with different thermal properties were investigated.

热油管道再启动过程是一种不稳定的变物性耦合流动。Restart process of hot oil pipeline is an unsteady property-variable coupling flow.

其次,讨论现场测定深层岩土热物性的技术。Second, in situ measurement techniques for ground thermal properties are discussed.

采用NRTL物性方法,选择RADFRAC精馏模块建立反应精馏过程的模拟模型。A simulation model based on RADFRAC block using NRTL property method was established.

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退火处理对牙科全瓷冠物性的影响。Effects of annealing treatment on physical properties of a dental all-ceramic system.

叶片参数及浆体物性对泵的磨损特性影响明显。Pump wear characteristics are affected obviously by parameters of the impeller blade.

储层为河流相透镜状砂岩,物性好。The gas reservoirs are fluvial lenticular sandstone with good petrophysical property.