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我们的出发点就是你。Our starting point was you.

这始终都可以作为出发点。This is the start point, always.

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腿的正中位置是一个好的出发点。Mid-thigh is a good starting point.

我们必须将此作为出发点。And this must be our starting point.

这才是本论文的出发点和归宿点。It is the real purpose of the paper.

这或许是一个适合的出发点。This might be a reasonable starting point.

典范类型担任一个出发点。Canonic types served as a point of departure.

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波托马可军团回到了他们出发点。The Army of the Potomac was back where it started.

但它的核心出发点──多元化又怎样呢?But what about its core premise -- diversification?

如果怀疑自己,你的出发点就不稳固了。If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky.

我们还没有,从构图的出发点来研究。I have not talked about it from a graphical standpoint.

这是我国进行不良资产证券化选择的基础和出发点。This is the foundation and the starting point that NPAS.

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其实,这项政策也是以新加坡人的利益为出发点。After all, we are doing this for the sake of Singaporeans.

因此,知识问题构成了张东荪哲学的出发点。Then the start-point of his philosophy is the issue of knowledge.

好,让我们回到我们,食谱的出发点。Well, let's go back up to our original starting point of recipes.

使现有的高分子材料高性能化通常是研究的出发点。It is often the starting point to offer polymers high-performance.

数码是这个产品的出发点,而对数码电视的需求将是巨大的。Digital is where it starts. And digital demand is going to be huge.

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科学的呼吸方法是美声歌唱的基础和出发点。A scientific way of breathing is the very basis of euphonic singing.

这是一条经典路线,既有野生动植物,又惊险刺激,出发点是开普敦。A classic route, combining wildlife and thrills, starts in Cape Town.

其出发点是自贬,其大敌是自负。Its starting-point is self-dispraise, and its great enemy is conceit.