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去年那些暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作。The street was overrun by the bullies last year.

法西斯曾在世界很大范围内横行霸道。The Fascists once tyrannized a large part of the world.

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所有的横行霸道游戏已经相当激烈的,当然!All of the GTA games have been reasonably intense, of course!

世间没有法律和秩序,只有飞车党横行霸道。There is no law and order and motorcycle gangs terrorize the country.

越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.

二战期间,日本侵略者在中国横行霸道,无恶不作。During the Second World War, China had been overrun by Japanese invaders.

如果我们仍旧让政府一管就死的手来横行霸道的话,我们的日子就不会好过了。If we allow the dead hand of government to continue its way, we will be all miserable.

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数百年来,黑暗之神的军队一直在诸域横行霸道。For many hundreds of years, the armies of the Dark Gods had ruled triumphant over the realms.

“一刀仙”兄弟二人在镇上横行霸道,使镇子里充满神秘和恐怖。Two brothers, "one cut" tyrannized in the town, Which makes the town mysterious and terrible.

发布商沉迷于关键词和更易被搜索到的网页名称,而Google的搜索机器人却在横行霸道。Publishers obsessed over keywords and search-friendly page names while Google's spiders crawled.

洋医药企业何以在我国药品市场横行霸道,无往不利?。Why does modern medicine enterprise taste market tyrannize in our country medicine, go smoothly everywhere?

第二次世界大战后,中国和韩国黑帮在日本横行霸道,政府借助暴力团打压他们。After World War II, the government used the yakuza to fight Chinese and Korean gangs rampaging in the country.

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东汉末年,张朔依仗权倾一时的哥哥,横行霸道,甚至杀害孕妇。At the end of Eastern Han Dynasty , Zhang Shuo became a tyrant and even killed pregnant women relying on his brother's power.

1968年,苏联军队进驻捷克斯洛伐克,横行霸道的坦克碾碎了“布拉格的春天”。Soviet soldiers had been stationed in Czechoslovakia since 1968, when their tanks brutally crushed the so-called Prague Spring.

在我的记录上我还记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道、欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭,斩草除根。For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors, I have this race a long time on my register, doomed to destruction and extermination.

一切都为我们创造了这个游戏,首先从一个愿望,使一个真正玩横行霸道的经验在此硬件。Everything we created for this game came, first and foremost , from a desire to make a really playable GTA experience on this hardware.

这是一个类似于魂斗罗的射击游戏,斜挎着散弹枪的诺克娒冲上街头,消灭横行霸道的恶势力。This is a shooting game similar to Contra, with a shotgun into the streets of Nouakchott, the eradication of evil forces to ride roughshod.

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上世纪90年代末期,刘涌涉黑团伙在沈阳横行霸道,将宋鹏飞的手下打得落荒而逃,宋鹏飞也逃到广州。In the late 1990s, gang leader Liu Yong in Shenyang riding roughshod, Abdullah will be the play of his one man, Abdullah also fled Guangzhou.

当那头大象在他们的家园里横行霸道时,他们对它不曾表现出这样浓厚的兴趣,但现在那家伙要被打死了,情况就有些不同了。They had not shown much interest in the elephant when he was merely ravaging their homes, but it was different now that he was going to be shot.

他听起来是个有点性别歧视,横行霸道的人,但卡拉克森极端保守的意见也许是要故意惹恼你来阐述他独到的看法。He sounds like a sexist monster and a bully, but then Clarkson's reactionary opinions are probably the calculated wind-ups of a professional stirrer.