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她是一位空姐。She is an air-hostess.

梅是一名空姐,她从事这个工作已经两年了。What does Mei do? She is a flight attendant.

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可能美国空姐是最火辣的空姐之一。Maybe America stewardess is one of the hottest.

俄罗斯空姐非常漂亮。The Russian air stewardesses are very beautiful.

哪个国家的空姐最火辣?美国吗?Which country has the hottest stewardess? America?

空姐应浅笑面对机上的每一个旅客。A stewardess should smile to every passenger aboard.

我是空姐,我早晨才到的迪拜,周日下午我就要飞回去了。I an a flight attendant and I arrived in Dubai this morning.

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飞机在法国降落后,一位空姐扶飞行员下飞机。A stewardess gives a pilot a hand as they disembark in France.

空姐告诉他等飞机起飞后10分成钟就为他送来。She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

很大一部分内容都集中在年轻漂亮的空姐Rin身上。Much of the action centers on Rin, a beautiful young stewardess.

起飞后不久,他递给了空姐沙夫娜一张纸条。Shortly after takeoff, the flight attendants Sha Funa he handed a note.

你的丈夫很可能会为了个空姐而出轨,继而抛弃你。Our husbands can still cheat on us and abandon us for flight attendants.

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何丽是一位很棒的空姐,他喜欢飞来飞去,而且她是一个善于交际的人。Holly is a great stewardess—she likes to fly and she's a real people person!

法航的旅客享用机上美食,并和空姐微笑交谈。Air France passengers are treated to a delectable spread and smiling service.

直到一次出行的飞机上,调酒师遇到了一位像极了他前妻的空姐。Until a trip on a plane, the bartender met a very like his ex-wife stewardess.

当空姐已奉上咖啡时,飞行员却宣布发生动荡。As soon as the stewardess has served the coffee, the pilot announced to turbulence.

航空公司总希望空姐能够给乘客带来一种安静、全的感觉。Stewardesses were supposed to provide passengers with a sense of calm and security.

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但也许电影在放映着,机上的服务人员和空姐已经拉下了百叶窗。But perhaps the movie is on, and the stewards and air hostesses have closed the shades.

败替一名空姐始终非尔的幻想,而且我爱好到各天游览。It? always been my dream to be a stewardess. And I like travelling to different places.

空姐和副驾驶都感到吃惊,问机长对她说了些什么。Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot asked the captain what he said to her.