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四季循环往复。The seasons revolve.

啥事情都是循环往复滴。Everything is cyclical.

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于是你始终这么循环往复着。对吗?So there is this going on all the time. Right?

将这一发现过程公开,循环往复,促其演变。Make this discovery process open, evolutionary, and iterative.

这是一个很深入的生财因素,因为它是循环往复的,还很花时间。It is deeply generative because it is iterative and time consuming.

我们改造工具,工具也改变了我们,如此循环往复。We change the tools, and the tools change us, and that cycle repeats.

降雨量受气候模式控制,一年一次循环往复。The rainfall is governed by weather patterns that move in annual cycles.

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世界上的一切,生生不息,循环往复,人的生命也是如此。Everything in the world, underbrush, recycle and so are the lives of the people.

地球绕太阳一周,历法上叫一年,循环往复,永无止境。The Earth around the Sun a week, called the calendar year, the cycle of endless.

这又驱动了保险价格的进一步上升,循环往复。That drives up the price of insurance further, setting the cycle in motion again.

这就是能量不会真正消失的说法,能量是循环往复的,是以螺旋形状离开3D空间。This is about energy not actually disappearing, it is recycling, spiraling out of 3D.

设计很复杂,本质却追求简洁。单车只不过是一圈一圈地循环往复。Complex by design, simple by nature. The bike is nothing more than circles turning circles.

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这感觉糟糕极了,就像是绕着运动场循环往复地奔跑。It does not feel good, and it is like running around the playground, circularly, constantly.

由此可见,十天干与太阳出没有关,而太阳的循环往复周期,对万物产生着直接的影响。The heavenly stems are associated with the sun's revolution which affects lives on the earth.

如此循环往复,即使不实施干预措施,抑郁症状也会自行缓解。So, if not implement self-repeating interventions, depressive symptoms will alleviate by oneself.

又是新的一周。可是,你的生活是否又在循环往复呢?你是否又在重复上周做过的事情?It's a new week. However, is your life repeating itself? Are you doing the same things that you did last week?

长期以来一个有关宪法第四修正案不争的事实是,所谓“对隐私权的合理期望”这一测试点总是走成一个循环往复的怪圈。It’s long been a truism of Fourth Amendment law that the “reasonable expectation of privacy” test is circular.

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此外,Albrecht说他构想了一个熵增熵减循环往复的宇宙。Moreover, Albrecht says he also could imagine a universe where entropy occurs in increasing and decreasing cycles.

公共关系活动的最基本特征是有序的多次循环往复的发展运动。The basic characteristic of the public relations activities is the order de polygenic circular developing movement.

由于每个子问题可能仍然十分复杂,需要进一步的分解,这个过程就将不断的循环往复。The process will often be self-repeating since each subproblem may still be complex enough to require further decomposition.