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危险逼近他。Danger overhangs him.

现在我在逼近这个bug了。Now I'm really honing in.

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是的,他们正在逼近我们。Yes, they're gaining on us.

逼近音障!Approaching the sound barrier!

丹妮丝望着她们渐渐逼近。Denise watches as they approach.

战争的幽灵逼近了。The specter of war loomed ahead.

在黎明逼近之时离我而去。Desert me at Thy dawn's approach.

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一艘汽艇向我们逼近。A powerboat was bearing down on us.

敌人已在我军逼近时逃窜了。The enemy ran away at our approach.

战争的阴影逼近了那个国家。The threat of war overhung the country.

我们觉察到危险正向我们逼近。We became aware of danger approaching us.

快点!那辆车正在逼近我们。Drive faster — the police car is gaining on us.

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一条大狗从屋里跑出来向我逼近。A big dog dashed out of the room and came for me.

我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。I cannot bear to see a bear bear down upon a hare.

我们逼近那只狗,而且就要捉到它。We' closed in on the dog and were able to catch it.

2009年汽车销售量则料逼近1,050万辆.Sales for 2009 are expected to end near 10.5 million.

当他威吓着逼近时,她躲开了他。As he moved threateningly forward she shrank from him.

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即将来临的期末考在我脑海里一天一天的逼近。The approaching final exam loomed in my head each day.

“你当心点儿,”屈里曼喊起来,逼近她来。"You, be careful, " cried Tremaine, bustling up close.

我们事先得到敌人正在逼近的警报。We received warning that the enemy were getting nearer.