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王琳很喜欢这个绰号。Wang likes this nickname.

他的绰号是“唠叨的人。His nickname is "chatterbox."

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我们经常叫他的绰号。We often call him by his nickname.

谁的绰号叫“小伍长”?Who was known as the Little Corporal?

我们总是叫他的绰号“小懒猫”。We always nickname him “Little Lazy Cat”.

你为什么把这个绰号加在我身上?Why do you fastened such a nickname on me?

我那时公认的绰号是咬舌诗人。My recognised cognomen was the Lisping Poet.

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这些裂缝有个绰号,叫虎纹。The fissures have been dubbed tiger stripes.

球队得到一个新绰号“监狱者”。The team acquired the sobriquet Jail Blazers.

脑残这个绰号更适合你。Brainless would be a more apt moniker for you.

贝里克郡以北没有人会不认同这一绰号。No one north of Berwick is likely to disagree.

因为他胖,人们给他取个绰号叫“胖子”。They nicknamed him" Fats" because of his weight.

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“他在绰号叫”“穿线街老太太”“的英格兰银行工作。”He works in the Old Lady of Thread-needle Street.

挠痒者在绰号"镍币"上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked atick on the nickname Nickel.

于是教会的朋友就给他取了个绰号,叫他「圣经先生」。His nickname around his church is "the Bible guy."

没人叫他伯德,都叫他的绰号“大鸟”。No man calls him Bird but surnames him “Big Bird”.

挠痒者正在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.

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因此,它得到一个绰号“毛团”。Hence, it goes by the popular nickname, "hairball".

中国媒体走得更远,已经开始起绰号了。China News has gone so far as to christen a nickname

Moorgate的绰号是“美洲的林荫道”。Moorgate was nicknamed "the Avenue of the Americas".