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我们必须天一亮就启程。We must start at dawn.

他的启程是出乎意外的。His going was unexpected.

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我们必须在黎明之时启程。We must leave at daylight.

我们明天乘“阿戈西”号启程。We sail tomorrow on the Argosy.

于是他启程西行。And so he's taking off to the west.

他上午启程去美国。He departed for Ameri-ca this morning.

我是自那里启程开始周游加拿大的。I started my trip across Canada there.

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中国海军“郑和”号启程访问韩国日本。Chinese navy vessel sails for ROK, Japan.

在她启程时,大概桅杆直立,帆完全扯起。Probably was so masted when she set forth.

那末最后一曲终了就让我们启程吧。Then finish the last song and let us leave.

于是他们一起冒雨开车启程。So together they drove througha pouring rain.

开往上海的轮船星期三启程。The steamers for Shanghai leave on Wednesday.

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寒梅绽放报春来,新年启程速行动。Plum blossom spring, new year for quick action.

我在我的坐骑上雀跃,今夜我将启程。I'm jumpin' in my ride, I'm heading out tonight.

启程,需要你辨别方向。Leaves, requires you to identify the direction of.

已获签证,计划七月一日星期六启程。Visa obtain departure scheduled saturday July1 st.

1768年七月“奋力号”启程开赴太平洋。In July 1768 the Endeavour set out for the Pacific.

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国王启程了,身边簇拥着所有的仆人。The king fared forth, attended by all his servants.

由矶天气郴好,我们将启程赌吮煎推迟撂。We delayed our departure on account of bad weather.

他辞别了妻子便启程了。He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.